Page 71 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
P. 71

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                                                                      AN ARCHAIC BRONZE HORSE                                      A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA
                                                                      HAN DYNASTY                                                  NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY, DATED ZHENGSHI
                                                                      standing foursquare, the neck held high with the head        FOURTH YEAR, CORRESPONDING TO 507
                                                                      directed forward with an alert expression including bulging
                                                                      eyes, flaring nostrils, pricked ears, and the lips pulled back,   modeled standing before a flame-shaped mandorla on a
                                                                      the bound tail lifted energetically, the body hollow-cast, the   splayed lotus base above a four-legged plinth, the plinth
                                                                      pale green patina with malachite and azurite inclusions      chased with a grid pattern with each unit enclosing a
                                                                      Length 9¼ in., 23.5 cm                                       small circle, the figure adorned in long flowing robes, the
                                                                                                                                   right hand held against the chest, the left lowered, the
                                                                      PROVENANCE                                                   hair swept up into a topknot framed by a circular halo
                                                                      Collection of Arthur M. Sackler (1913-1987).                 with radiating lotus petals on the mandorla, the mandorla
                                                                      Christie’s New York, 1st December 1994, lot 46.              further decorated with a border of lotus petals and swirling
                                                                                                                                   flames extending up to the pointed tip, the reverse incised
                                                                      Chen Chi Collection, Tokyo.
                                                                      Private Collection.                                          with a seated Buddha in a shrine, all above a dedicatory
                                                                      Christie’s New York, 19th September 2006, lot 154.           inscription dated to the fourth year of the Zhengshi period,
                                                                                                                                   corresponding to 507
                                                                                                                                   Height 7¼ in., 18.3 cm
                                                                      $ 10,000-15,000
                                                                      漢   青銅馬                                                      Collection of Win Nathanson, acquired in the 1950s-60s.

                                                                      來源                                                           $ 20,000-30,000
                                                                      亞瑟•M•賽克勒 (1913-1987) 收藏
                                                                      紐約佳士得1994年12月1日,編號46                                         北魏正始四年(507年)   銅鎏金佛立像
                                                                      Chen Chi 收藏,東京
                                                                      私人收藏                                                         銘文:
                                                                      紐約佳士得2006年9月19日,編號154                                        正始四年正月廿十日羊伯孫夫妻倦屬造像一佢

                               197                                                                                                 來源
                                                                                                                                   Win Nathanson 收藏,得於1950年代至1960年代

           HAN - SIX DYNASTIES
           crouching with the muscular body twisting sharply and the
           head turned to one side, the face with a menacing expression
           with the mouth open, the lips curling back in a snarl, and the
           eyes wide, a pair of ridged horns pressing against the neck,
           tufts of fur covering the body and sweeping outward from
           the elbows, a pair of feathered wings tucked against the
           torso, wood stand (2)
           Length 2¼ in., 5.7 cm
           Von Bergen Auction, Scranton, 1958.
           Collection of Robert L. Shalkop (1922-2008), and thence by

           $ 15,000-20,000

           漢至六朝   銅鎏金瑞獸形鎮
           Von Bergen Auction,斯克蘭頓,1958年
           Robert L. Shalkop (1922-2008) 收藏,此後家族傳承                               198

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