Page 76 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
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Fig. 2.  A Large Parcel-Gilt Silver Bowl, Late Tang Dynasty. illustrated in Inaugural Exhibition. Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, J.J. Lally &
                   Co, New York, 1986, cat. no. 40.
                   圖二 唐末 銀局部鎏金盌 著錄於《Inaugural Exhibition. Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art》, 藍理捷,紐約,1986年,編號40

                   fish among flowers in the center, and a similar flower design   Uldry 收藏,外壁飾相類花卉及蝴蝶紋飾,盌
                   on a ring-punched ground on the base (Chinesisches Gold   足亦如葉形,遍飾鎏金, 盌心飾花魚紋,底
                   und Silber: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Museum Rietberg,
                   Zurich, 1994, cat. no. 146, and Inaugural Exhibition. Chinese   部飾相近花卉紋及魚子紋地(《Chinesisches
                   Ceramics and Works of Art, J.J. Lally & Co, New York, 1986, cat.   Gold und Silber: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry》,里
                   no 40) (fig. 2). Compare also a circular silver bowl in the Met-  特貝格美術館,蘇黎世,1994 年,編號 146
                   ropolitan Museum of Art, New York, with related flowers and   及《Inaugural Exhibition. Chinese Ceramics and
                   ducks on the outside and a repoussé deer inside, included in   Works of Art》,藍理捷,紐約,1986 年,編
                   the exhibition Treasures from the Metropolitan Museum of Art,   號 40)(圖二)。另比紐約大都會藝術博物
                   China Institute, New York, 1979, cat. no. 20; and another in the
                   Indianapolis Museum of Art, with a gilt center with a formal-  館收藏一銀盌例,外壁飾相近花卉及瑞鴨
                   ized flower roundel, and gilt floral medallions on the outside,   紋,內飾鹿紋,曾展於《Treasures from the
                   in the exhibition The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty, Los Angeles   Metropolitan Museum of Art》,華美協進社,紐
                   County Museum, Los Angeles, 1957, cat. no. 335.  約,1979 年,編號 20;另一例收藏於印第安
                                                             紋,外飾鎏金團花,曾展於《 The Arts of the
                   Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe
                   Collection, Stockholm, 1953.              T’ang Dynasty》,洛杉磯郡藝術博物館,洛杉磯,
                                                             1957 年,編號 335。
                   Bo Gyllensvärd, ‘T’ang Gold and Silver’, Bulletin of the Museum
                   of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1957.
                   Han Wei, ed., Hai nei wai Tangdai jinyinqi cuibian [Compilation   喜龍仁,《Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl
                   of Tang gold and silver vessels from inland and overseas],
                   Xi’an, 1989.                              Kempe Collection》,斯德哥爾摩, 1953 年
                                                             喜龍仁,〈T’ang Gold and Silver〉,《Bulletin of
                   Han Wei & Christian Deydier, Ancient Chinese Gold, Paris,
                   2001.                                     the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities》,斯德哥
                                                             爾摩, 1957 年
                                                             1989 年
                                                             韓偉及戴克成,《Ancient Chinese Gold》,巴黎,
                                                             2001 年

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