Page 92 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
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                                                                              A LARGE CARVED ‘LONGQUAN’                            PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE
                                                                              CELADON-GLAZED OCTAGONAL                             COLLECTION
                                                                              DISH                                                 A RARE ‘LONGQUAN’ CELADON-
                                                                              MING DYNASTY                                         GLAZED ‘DRAGON AND PHOENIX’
                                                                              sturdily potted with the shallow rounded sides       VASE
                                                                              rising from a short, tapered foot to an everted      YUAN / EARLY MING DYNASTY
                                                                              rim, the center fluently carved with a large lotus
                                                                              spray, surrounded by eight panels of alternating     the pear-shaped body rising from a rounded
                                                                              lingzhi and flower sprigs, covered overall with      foot to a waisted neck with a flaring scalloped
                                                                              a lustrous translucent bluish-green glaze,           rim, the neck flanked by a pair of ribbed
                                                                              save for the base left unglazed revealing the        loop handles issuing from beast masks and
                                                                              stoneware body burnt to a dark orange                suspending fixed rings, one side of the body
                                                                              Width 13⅞ in., 35.3 cm                               molded with a pair of sinuous fish-dragons
                                                                                                                                   diving toward a floating lotus blossom, the
                                                                              PROVENANCE                                           opposite side similarly molded but with a pair
                                                                              Mathias Komor, New York.                             of phoenix, all between bands of keyfret, a band
                                                                              American Private Collection, acquired from the       of upright plantain leaves encircling the neck,
                                                                              above in the 1970s.                                  covered overall in an olive-green glaze, ormolu
                                                                                                                                   stand (2)
                                                                                                                                   Height 7¾ in., 19.7 cm
                                                                              $ 4,000-6,000
                                                                                                                                   Compare two closely related examples, one
                                                                                                                                   from the National Palace Museum collection,
                                                                              明   龍泉窰青釉刻蓮紋八方大盤                                     exhibited in Green: Longquan Celadon of the
                                                                                                                                   Ming Dynasty, National Palace Museum, Taipei,
                                     242                                      來源                                                   2009, cat. no. 154; the other in the Capital
                                                                              Mathias Komor,紐約                                     Museum Collection, exhibited in Wen wen yu
                                                                                                                                   se zhao ci ou : Longquan yao qing ci yi shu
                                                                              美國私人收藏,1970年代購於上述處                                   [Brightly glazed like jade: ceramic arts from the
                                                                                                                                   Longquan kiln], Capital Museum, Beijing, 2012,
                                                                                                                                   pp 98-99.
                                                                                                                                   $ 20,000-30,000
                                                                              PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE
                                                                                                                                   元 / 明初   龍泉窰青釉印花龍鳳紋
                                                                              AN UNUSUAL MOLDED ‘LONGQUAN’                         環耳瓶
                                                                              CELADON-GLAZED SQUARE-
                                                                              SECTION ‘IMMORTALS’ VASE
                                                                              LATE MING DYNASTY
                                                                              the vertical rectangular walls supported on ruyi-
                                                                              form cabriole legs resting on an integral square
                                                                              base, each side carved in high relief with an
                                                                              immortal astride an animal mount surrounded
                                                                              by swirling clouds, all between registers of floral
                                                                              scroll above and below, the wide mouth rim
                                                                              carved around the top surface with a chevron
                                                                              band, covered overall in an olive-green glaze
                                                                              Height 7¾ in., 19.7 cm

                                                                              $ 10,000-15,000

                                                                              明末   龍泉窰青釉仙人騎獸圖方尊


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