Page 95 - March 17, 2020 Impotant Chinese Art, Sotheby's, New York
P. 95

251                                                  253
                                                                              A LARGE GILT-BRONZE HEAD OF                          PROPERTY FROM A DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN
                                                                              BIXIA YUANJUN                                        PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                              MING DYNASTY                                         A LARGE GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF
                                                                              cast with a benevolent expression with               WEITUO
                                                                              downcast eyes and a gentle smile, the hair           MING DYNASTY
                                                                              gathered into a chignon framed by an elaborate
                                                                              headdress formed from three phoenixes,               the guardian deity standing, with the right
                                                                              patches of polychrome pigments visible               hand lowered to the side and the left raised
                                                                              throughout, wood stand (2)                           with an outstretched palm, the crisply modeled
                                                                              Height 16½ in., 42 cm                                youthful face gazing forward intently below a
                                                                                                                                   winged helmet adorned with phoenix, wearing
                                                                                                                                   ornate armor secured with cords, sashes and
                                                                              $ 20,000-30,000                                      an inlaid belt, further adorned with ferocious
                                                                                                                                   mythical beasts, a celestial scarf encircling the
                                                                              明   銅鎏金碧霞元君首像                                        shoulders, extensively detailed and gilt, later
                                                                                                                                   Height 17⅝ in., 44.8 cm

                                                                              252                                                  PROVENANCE
                                                                                                                                   P.C. Lu & Sons, Hong Kong, 1st July 1983.
                                                                              PROPERTY FROM A CANADIAN PRIVATE                     Compare a large gilt-bronze figure of Weituo
                                                                                                                                   in the collection of the Seattle Art Museum,
                                                                              A LARGE STONE HEAD OF AN                             Seattle, illustrated by Hugo Munsterberg,
                                                                              OFFICIAL                                             Chinese Buddhist Bronzes, Tokyo, 1967,
                                                                              MING DYNASTY                                         pl. 94; and another in similar posture sold
                                  251                                                                                              in our London rooms, 17th October 1978,
                                                                              well carved with a solemn expression, the            lot 103. A third, with the arms in anjali
                                                                              rounded oval face with downcast eyes and             mudra sold at Christie’s New York, 23rd
                                                                              gently curved brows arching down to a sharp          March 2011, lot 1632.
                                                                              nose, with full lips and rounded cheeks, donning
                                                                              a guan featuring a central tablet set behind         $ 30,000-50,000
                                                                              a ruyi head and flanked by celestial motifs,
                                                                              mounted on stand (2)                                 明   銅鎏金韋陀立像
                                                                              Height 21¼ in., 54 cm
                                                                              PROVENANCE                                           來源
                                                                              C.C. Lai Chinese Antique Ltd., Toronto, 16th         魯氏父子有限公司,香港,1983年7月1日
                                                                              June 2007.
                                                                              Compare a closely related stone head of an
                                                                              official, wearing the same official cap and
                                                                              rendered with similar facial features, attributed
                                                                              to the Yuan/Ming dynasty, sold at Christie’s
                                                                              New York, 20th September 2004, lot 138.
                                                                              See also two related cast iron examples with
                                                                              similar headdresses, from the Avery Brundage
                                                                              Collection, attributed to the Ming dynasty,
                                                                              published in René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé,
                                                                              Chinese, Korean and Japanese Sculpture in the
                                                                              Avery Brundage Collection, Asian Art Museum
                                                                              of San Francisco, San Francisco, 1974, cat. nos
                                                                              165 and 166.

                                                                              ⊖  $ 20,000-30,000

                                                                              明   石雕文官首像
                                                                              C.C. Lai Chinese Antique Ltd.,多倫


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