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           TOSHUSAI SHARAKU (ACTIVE 1794-1795)       Louis Ledoux was born in New York City in 1880. He was a
           PORTRAIT OF THE ACTOR SEGAWA              scholar, poet, collector of Japanese prints and President of the
           KIKUNOJO III AS OSHIZU, FROM THE PLAY     Japanese Society. He wrote several books on prints including
           HANA-AYAME BUNROKU SOGA                   Sharaku’s Japanese Theater Prints  . For further information on
                                                     his collection see Jenkins  .
           東洲斎写楽(活動期間  1794−1795年)、三代目瀬川菊之丞の
           田辺文蔵妻おしづ、江戸時代、18世紀                        There are only twenty-four known surviving impressions
                                                     of which fifteen are held in the following museums and
           woodblock print, signed Toshusai Sharaku ga, published by   institutions: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; (Accession number
           Tsutaya Juzaburo, 5th month, 1794         21.7248) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass; Art Institute,
           38 x 25.5 cm, 15 x 10 in.                 Chicago (Accession number 1794-95); The Edoardo Chiossone
                                                     Museum of Oriental Art, Genoa; British Museum, London
           PROVENANCE                                (Accession number 1909,0618,0.40); Staatliches Museum
           Bremen Museum, sold Walpole Galleries, 10  November 1922,   fur Volkerkunde, Munich; Brooklyn Museum, New York;
           Lot 61.                                   National Library, Paris; Guimet Museum, Paris; Museum of
           William Keane, Evanston, III              Art, Philadelphia (Accession number 1967-30-209) Naradowe
           Louis Ledoux (see below)                  Museum, Prague; National Museum, Tokyo; Nihon Kikin,
                                                     Tokyo; Osterreichisches Museum fur angewandte Kunst,
           The play Hana-ayame Bunroku Soga, in which Segawa Kikunojo   Vienna; Kiraki Museum, Yokohama
           III performed, was staged at the Miyako theatre in May 1794.
                                                     1. Juzo Suzuki, Sharaku Vol. 2 (Tokyo, 1968), p.34
           Segawa Kikunojo III (1751-1810) was the most popular player
           of female roles of his day. The print is considered one of   2. Harold G. Henderson, Sharaku’s Japanese Theater Prints,
           Sharaku’s most celebrated portraits. Juzo Suzuki   comments   An Illustrate Guide to his Complete Work, (New York, 1984)
           that in this print Sharaku is able to capture the grace and   3. Donald Jenkins, The Ledoux Heritage: The Collection of
           femininity that Kikunojo expressed in his performances and   Ukiyo-e Master Prints, (New York, 1973)
           adds that “the print is a masterpiece to be numbered among
           the best of Sharaku’s half-length portraits of onnagata”.  ‡ £ 180,000-250,000
                                                     € 203,000-282,000   US$ 237,000-330,000

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