Page 5 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 5
THIS New Edition of Chaffers' Hand-book is now published
in a more complete form than the previous issues,, and
should be of greater service to the collector, for, in addition
to some 500 marks which have been contributed by the
Editor, there are a great many which the late Mr. Chaffers
had inserted in his Seventh Edition of the large book,
but which had not been included in his previous edition
of the Hand-book. The present edition is, therefore, a
complete excerpt or resume as regards the marks of the
original work, entitled "MARKS AND MONOGRAMS ON
POTTERY AND PORCELAIN," by W. Chaffers, the last or
eighth edition of which was revised by the present editor
and in
published 1897.
No material change has been made in the arrangement
of the work, which follows that of the larger book re-
ferred to above. The sixc is handy for the collector's
pocket j and to maintain this desirable end, some of the
larger marks have been, reduced iru. scale and a lighter
paper used, so as not to materially increase the bulk.
The following very slight historical outline sketch has
been added by Editor, which it is hoped will be of
service to the collector.
The subject of the references in the following pages
may be roughly divided into two classes Pottery and