Page 9 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 9

PREFACE.                    IX

            earthenware or faience  upon  which so much artistic care
            had been lavished.
              The famous Sevres       has a       which can be
                               factory     history
            divided  into  chapters  representing  different  classes of
            manufacture, and  the  marks and  monograms  of  the
            numerous artists who decorated  this most  delicate and
            valuable        are       at considerable     and
                    porcelain   given               length,
            will enable the collector to trace to the date of its manu-
            facture and the name of the decorator  or  gilder many
            a         in his cabinet.
              The       of
                  group   English fabriques, commencing  with the
            famous Bow works, then with Chelsea and  Derby,  after-
            wards  amalgamated  under Mr.  Duesbury  into the Chelsea-
                         the famous Worcester
            Derby factory,                    factory started  by
            Dr. Wall, the Bristol and  Plymouth works, also the much
            sought  after Welsh factories of  Nantgarw and Swansea,
            with others of less        all followed the lead of the
            Meissen  porcelain manufactory.  The  fabrique marks and
            many of the  potters' marks  will be found under their
            respective headings.
              The marks and  monograms  of the ceramic  fabriqitcs
            of the Continent and of  England form a  fascinating object
            of collection, and the  study  of the  origin  or raison (Tttre
            of these various marks  is in itself a most  interesting and
            instructive  hobby, carrying  the collector into  glimpses  of
            international and  family histories which will well  repay  his
            time and attention.
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