Page 13 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 13

INDEX.                   Xlll

                                 PAGE                       PACK
           B.f                    197 BOUQUKT (M.)           57
           BFB                        BOURDU (J.), potter    58
           B.FS                    97 BOURG LA REINE, porcelain. 171
           B&G                    167     pottery            72
           BG                41, 143, 167 I3oussKMAR f(F.), potter  92
           BIENFAIT, painter      187 BOW, porcelain     232, 233
           BIGOURAT (Claude), potter  59  BOWICRS, potter   206
                                     Row nnd arrow murk
           BlLLINGSLEY, potter    23.                       233
           BINET, painter      187, i8J  BOYLE, potter      211
           BING and GKONDIIAL, potters.... 167 BR.t        80,97
                                     BI T
           BINNS (R. W.), potter  22;
           BIRCH (E. J.). potter  20*  B.P.M                153
           Bird, as a mark  46, 83, 84, 85, 162, BR    76, 171, 197
                               187, 216 BRADWELL, pottery   205
           BiRNEY(Mc), potter     234 BRAMELD, potter       224
           BK                      So BRANCAS LAUKAGUAIS, potter... 170
           BL    45,91, 159, 164, 167, 170, 172 BREITENBACH, porcelain  159
           BLANCH ARD, painter    197 BKIANCIION, potter    i8r
           B la R               72, 171  BRJEL (1*. Van dor), potter  94
           BLC                     91  BRIOT (I''ran9ois), potter  56
           BLOIS, pottery          63  KKIOU (Edme), potter  57
           BLOMFOP                 95 BRISTOL, pottery and porcelain 229
           BLOOR (R.), potter  227, 228 BROUWER  (Isaac,  Justus,  and
           BM                   21, 90  Hugo), potters       94
           BN            62,172, 173, 187  Brown, Westlicad, Moore & Co.,
                                   95   potters
           Boat (the gilt), a sign                          210
           Been, potter        91, 164 BRUGES, fayence       91
           BOHEMIA, porcelain     153 BKUMENT, potter        59
           BO1SETTE, porcelain    173 BRUNTON&CO., potters  225
           BOISSIMON (Ch. de), potter  73 BRUSSELS, porcelain  163, 164
           BOITEL, painter        197     fayence         90, qt
           BONCOIRANT, potter     72  B.S                    io
           BONDY(Rue de), porcelain  179 BT                  OS
                                  84 BUCHWALH, Director
           BONN, pottery                                     78
           BONNEKOY (A.), potter  71 BUEN RETIRO, porcelain, 147, 148
           BONNUIT, painter       197     pottery        53, 147
           BONO (Andrea di)       18  BULIDON, pairuer      387
           BONPENC1ER, pottery    48  BUNEL, painter        387
                  (V.), potter    87  13URG (L.)  potter.    87
           BOOTH (Enoch), potter  206 BURSLEM, potteries, &c
                                                         2O4-2or 3
           BORDEAUX, porcelain    174  TEUX, painter  187, 188, 197
                pottery           69   TLKR, artist         231
           BORELLY, potter        47  SUTLER, potter        224
           BORGO SAN SEPOLCHRO...  33  iUTTERTON (Mary), artist  231
                                59, 61 B.V
           .BORNE (Claude), potter                        56, 89
                (H.), potter      58
           .                         B. W. M. &Co           210
                (Maria Stephanas)  92  B.X                  Kj7
                                47, 71
           BOSELLI (J.), potter
           Bottger's marks    149, 150
                                  94 C
           Bottle, the porcelain            i, 14, 24, 164, 183, 188, 190
           Bottles, the three porcelain  94  "JAHAU, painter  197
           BOUCHER, painter      187  JABRI, potter         74
           BOUCOT, painter       187  Jaduceus, anifirk ...149, 176, 190, 218
           BOUILLAT, painter     187 CAEN, porcelain        174
          , BOULANGER, painter.  187 CAEVALIER, painter     189
           BOULARD (J.), potter.  58 CAFFAGIOLO, maiolica
          }                                               29-33
          vBouLLEMiER, painter   197  3AILLOU (Gros), porcelain  178
          'BOULOGNE, porcelain   171  JALDAS, maiolica.     53
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