Page 15 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 15

INDEX.                    XV

           CLOUD (St. ), porcelain  169 CV.               95, 158
                                     C. We. Dw
           CLOUD (St.), pottery    56                        168
           CM                  176, 189 CYFFLE (P. L.), potter  172
           CN                  62, 173  Cycles, Chinese      107
           COALPORT           218, 233    Japan              128
           COBRIDGE, pottery      207 CYPLES, potter         213
           COCCORESE (To. Carlo)  41
           Cock used as a mark  93, 160
           COCKSON & HARDING, potters.... 210 D  25, 26, 60, 82, 96, 97, 189
           COIMBRA                 S3                 226, 227, 228
           COLEBROpK  DALE        217 DAGOTY (P. L.), potter  181
           COLLINS (Miss), artist  230    (R.F.)             181
           COLOGNE, fayence        90 DALE, potter           207
               Gres  '.            90 DAM (J.), potter     94, .95
           COLONNESE (F. &  (3.), potters...  42 DAMMOUSE, painter  198
           Comet, as a mark       185 DANIEL (Henry), potter  212
           COMMELIN, painter      189     (Ralph), potter    207
           Compasses              193     (Richard), potter  212
           Con Pol di S. Casa     47 DANTZIG, pottery        85
           CONRADE (Domenique), putter....  58 DA. PW        95
           CONRADE family          58 DARAUBERT, potter      172
                                  197 DARMSTADT
           CONSTANT, painter                                 158
           CONSTANTIN, painter    198 DARTE, potter.         178
           COOKWORTHY  (William),  potter  DASTIN, potter    179
                              228, 229 DAUSSY (A.), initials of.  68
           COPELAND, potter       211 DAVENPORT, potter  ,  207
           COPELAND and GARKET    212 DAVID, painter         198
           COPENHAGEN, porcelain....;... 167 DAVIGNON, painter  198
           CORENTIN QUIMPER,  pot-   DAWSON, potter         225
             tery                  73 D.B                    147
                                  189 DC
           CORNAILLE, painter                                198
           COSEL (Comtesse)       149 DD  Co                224
           COTTIER (Andre"), potter  180 DECK (Theodore), potter  56
                                  177 DECKER
           COURTILLE (De la), porcelain                      95
           COURTNEY, potter       228 DE LA COURTILLE, porcelain 177
           COUTURIER, painter     189 DELAKOSSE, painter     198
           Cozzi (Geminiano), potter  144, 145 DELENKUR (Demoiselles), potters 170
                                     DELFT, pottery        94-98
           CP        145, 179, 180, 188, 197 DELTUF(A.), potter  177
           CRAWLEY (Miss), artist  231 DELVECCHIO  ( F. ), potter  41
          CRE1L, fayence          55 DE MOLL, potter        162
           CREMER (M. L.), potter  90 DENIS FAUB". (St.), porcelain. 178
           Crescent  4, 7, 54, 144, 166, 192, DENMARK, porcelain  167
                        217, 219, 221, 222  pottery        77-79
           CRETTE(L.), potter     163 DERBY, pottery and porcelain 226-28
           CROS, painter          64 DERBY-CHELSEA, porcelain... 226
           CROSA (Paolo)          39 DERICIISWEILKR, painter  198
          CROSS... 20, 35, 38, 62, 66, 69, 74, 144, DERUELLE (Pierre), potter  171
                  157.  I S 8 , 165, 167, 176, 229 DKSPERAIS, painter  198
           CROWN-DERBY, porcelain 226, 227 DESVRES, pottery  66
          Crowns (three) of Sweden  77, 78 DEUTSCH, painter  198
           C R P L                 8 DEVELLY, painter
          CRU'sSOL\Rue'de)i'porceVain'.!'. 181 DEVERS (Joseph), potter  56
          CS                 70, 76, 218 DEX                 95
          Of                   154, 198 DEXTRA, potter       95
          Cumse, a pattern        234 D.F                    198
                               62, 173 DG
          'pjSTiNE (General), potter                     144, 199
           ^CuSTODE, potter        58 Dh                     198
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