Page 16 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 16

XVI                   INDTCX.

           DI                     1^8 DUKANTINO ((xllido)   2, 3
           DIDIKK, painter        198     (I'Vancusco)
           DJKU, painter          1189 DUKOSKY, painter  189, io tj, 198
           DIHL (Christopher), potter  179 DUKOT (Leprnv), IJOIUT  103
           DILLWYN, potter    233. 234  Du.sni,LK, painter  189
           Diomed of Viterbo      29 DUTANOA, painter       190
           DIOMRDK of Durante     5  DUYKN, potter           95
                                  37 Dy
           DIONIOI MAKINF, potter                           198
           DION iso BKKTINO Kio   28
           DIRMSTEIN, pottery
           DIRL'TA, maiolica    24 26               57, 78, 164, 226
           Distaff, a mark         I
           DixoN, potter          225
           DixoN,'.s & Co  225
          DK                     aaf.          pniirry      209
          DlvL                    30  ICH                  , 180
          DI-K                    58        N,  painter ...... !
           DM                  tfi, 32g  KCKKKNKOKDK, layftur
           D.O.'                  28  lv de M .................  ',
                                           S (, artist
          DOCCJA, porcelain   142, 143
            Doctor Wall"  period,  marks  KK.H
             used in             220
          DGLJIN, painter         189
          DOKS (Vander), potter   95
          Dolphin, as a mark     103  KlIKKNKMi'll, potttT   78
          Dome of Florence        142  K.I.                 yt>8
                                     KISLCNACII, poiU'ry     8<>
          DOMEN ico da Venezia    35                        200
          DoMM 1C R (Georgts) , pot ter  i Oa
                                     K,LHO<iKN, ptirci-lain
          DONALDSON (John), painter  219
                                     Mlbnw, as a ni,\rU...........  iss
           DON, pottery          224         1
                                     KI.KRS  I  , and D.ivid), poitru.  ^s
           DONGASTER, pottery    224      (J.
                                     MI.KIN, putter .................  -/la
           DONKIN, potter        225
                                     KM ...................................  oo
           DONOVAN, potter.      234
                                     ICNGKKKON TAINK,,  ,,  55
           DOKBZ (Freres)         163
                / j^ A               IN(.iLIS!l pottery and pnivH.un
           .                      92
                                  86                 wi,\ .id hiicin.
           DORNHEIM,' pottiry, '!'.!!'.!'.'.'.!'.!!
                                     KNNIUS KAYNKKIUS ..................  24
           DOULTON, potter        230  I'K .......  , ........................... vni, KM
           Doulton's  fayence  and  stone-
                                  189 -
              ware                230  Krminci as a niaik .............. iH^,  it
           DP                   66, 88  KSKJNIC ..................................  49
           D.R                       IST1, fnycucc ........................ (7
                                          porcelain ........................ 147
           DRANU, painter         189  ICstc (Cardinal d  1
           DRESDEN, porcelain  149-151          ) .....................  ,st
                                     ETIOT.LKS, poivdain .............  i;  i
           DROUICT, painter       198              ........... yuf, ?o
           D.S.K                  95  ETRURIA, potu-ry
           DT..                190, 198  EUROPEAN poicehun .......... 142  HI'.
           DV..                   169   flncm.
           'DVDD                     EVANS, paintor ........................  n/,
           DVXI                   9 S  EVKKS ((icurit), potter ..............  Hi.
                                     live within a triangle .........  ,  ....  ifrf.
           DUBLIN, pottery        234
                                     EYKK (John),  arti.-.t ..............  a,jt
           DUBOIS, potter      [70, 177
                painter           189
           DUCLUSEAU, painter     198
           DUES13UKY (William), potter 126, 227,  19, 30, 41, ./>, ^o, r^, 71,
                                         88, 142,  15'),  1 80,  i </ci/t (/;,*,
           DUMAS (Mad. Veuve)     ^56
           DUNDERDALE (David), potter  224 KB
           DURANTE, maiolica    15-18
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