Page 17 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 17

INDEX.                   XV11

           FABRIANO, maiolica      26 FLORENCE, pottery      39
           FABRICA DE ARANDA       52 FLORSHEIM, pottery     83
           FABRICA DE   MASSAREL-    Flower-pot (the), a sign  94
              LOS                  53 FLR                     7
           FABRICA GOSPODINA      165 F.M  1          168, 196, 200
           FAENZA, maiolica      18-24  F. MED. II           142
           FAHLSTROM (A.), potter  77 FOESCY, porcelain      180
           Falcon mark             46 FOI                    34
           FALOT, painter.        190 FONTAINE, painrer  190, 109
           FANCIULACCI, chemist   142 FONTA1NEBLEAU (Avon  less),
           FANO (Nicolo da)        22   faycnce              57
                                  198 FONTAINES
           FARAGUET, painter                   (Sept)        164
           FAUCIIIKR, potter       71 FONTANA (Flamimo)       4
           FAUQUEZ, potter     67, 174    (Guidp), potter     3
           Fayence           54-98, 230   (Ortixio), potter   4
                Spode's New       211  KONTKIJASSO (Kratclli), potters.... 1^4
           FAZ                     66 KONTKLLIAU, pnilltCT   190
           FB ...56, 64, 91, 92, 154, 196, 197, 23 r  Foot, a mark  97
           F.R.G.F                 87  Fork, us a mark       158
           F.B.L                  92 FOR LI, maiolica      27-29
           FC             35, 43. 76, 197  Fortune, a sign   95
           F.C.L                  173  FOUQUI';, potter      73
           FD                   17, 24 FOURK, painter        190
                                   41 FOURNIKR (Pierre), potter  65
                              63,76,95 FOWKKS (Sir Francis)  215
                                  92 FP
           tKBURIER (Jac.)                                 6, 72
           FELL & Co., potters  ,  225 K.P.R                 44
           Felspar china          211  FR...23, 53, 59, 143, 153, 176, 182, 201
           FENTON, pottery     212, 214 FKAGONARD, painter   199
           FiSRAUD, potter        65  FRATN, potter          82
           FKRDINANDO CAMPANI                            169- 181
                                  3*5 FRANC K, porcelain
           FJSRRARA, maiolica     45      pottery          54-75
                                  64 FRANCESCO DUKANTINO   16-18
           FKRRAT (Freres), potters
           FERRYBRIDGE, pottery   224     SILVANO             5
           FKUILLET, potter       180     URWNI              25
                                          XANTO             i, a
           JTC            4,49* '4-1. 158
           F.F.0                   4  KKANCIIO (Sig.), Naples  41
                                  199 FKANKKNTHAL, pored ;ii n .... 154
           F.G.C                   7      pottery          82, '83
           F.G.Ko                  13 KRANTX (J. D.), potter  98
                                  199  KKANTZISN, piiintor  77, 166
            1                     39 FUATK, potlcr           25
           FJCQUENKT, painter     199 KUEKLING & Co., potters  214
           FISCHER, potter     [52, 153 French  Republic, mark of 1873
           Fish, as a mark 45, 113, 114, 161, 163  (Sevres)  184
           Fish-hook, a marlc     37 FRITSCH, painter       190
                    .'         76, 231 FKYK (Thomas), potter  233
          Flag, as a mark         64 FKYTOM (K V.)           95
          FUmbcau, as mark     177, 192 F.T                  89
          FLAMKN KLKURY, potter                             158
                                  178 KULDA, porct-Liiii
           FLAMINIO  (Fontana)     4 KULIIAM, pottery       229
          FLAN, potter            178 KUMKX, pn inter       190
          Fleur-de-lis... 60, 70, 75, 143, 144, 148, KUNFKIRCJUCN, potttsry
                        169, 182, 183, 195 I'URSTENBUKG, porcelnin  156
                                  178  KURSTLKK, painter    i^s
          FLKUKY (Flamcn), potter
                                  82 FX
           FLIKGKL, painter                                1,190
          FLIGHT, potters         210 FXAR                    t
          /r'LORENCK, porcelain  '.  142 FX                 190
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