Page 21 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 21

INDEX.                   XXI

           KRIEGEL, potter            LEGKR, potter          75
           KRONENBERG, porcelain  157 LEGRAND, painter
           KUHNKL, potter         151 LKGUAY, painter        192
           KUNERSBERG, fayenoe     79 LEHAMMKR, porcelain  152, 153
           KUWZT (J.), artist      97 LEI (Pietro), potter   15
           KUYLIC (J.), potter     94 LEICHNER, potter       162
                                      LEI HAMMER, potter   78, 79
                                     LKMAIRK, potter      170, 180
           L...-4. 13. 33. 43. 67. 73. 88, 159, 177 LE MONTET, pottery  73
                            192, 200, 213 LE NOVE, porcelain  146, 147
           LAFOND, potter         162     pottery            39
           LAFOREST, pottery       44 LENZBURG, pottery      89
           LAHENS and RATKAU, potters....                    95
           LAKIN and POOLE, potters  j  LEOPOLD, modeller    172
           LAMARRE (Advenir), potter                         163
                                  178 LK>KRRE DUROT, potter
           Lambel d'Orleans                                  181
                               172, 195 LKROSEY, potter
           LAMBERT, painter       200 LEROY, gilder          200
           LAMBETH, pottery       230  LKSSF.L (Johan Otto), potter  93
           LAMMENS(B.), potter     91  LKSSORK, painter   56, 205
           LAMONINARY, potter   :. 174 LESUM, pottery        85
           LAMPETKAN               95 LicucAmus SOLOMHRINUS  29
           LAMPRECHT, artist      152  Licvrt, pointer       192
           LANDAIS, potter         73 LEVKILLB, potter       178
           LANE DELPH, pottery .212,213,214 LE VOULAND, potter
           LANE END, pottery   213, 214 LEWINS (E.), potter  225
           LANFRAY(F. C.), potter  173 LEWIS (Miss F.), artist  231
           LANGEAIS, pottery.      73 L.F                  7, 192
           LANGLACE, painter.     200 L.G                   200
           LANGLOIS, potter       174 L.G.C               14, 200
           LAROCIIE, painter      191 L.G.P                  40
           LASDINR                 36 L&H                   214
           LASEINIE, porcelain    174 LlAUTti (Louis), potter  73
           LASSIA (Jean), potter.  177 LILLE, porcelain     163
           LATACHE, painter       200
           LA TOUR D'AIGUES       66 LIM BACH, porcelain  159, 160
           LAUN (Hartogvan), potter
                                  93 LIMOGES, porcelain     175
                                  170     pottery            69
           LAURAGUAIS (Count), potter
           LAURKNS BASSO          73 LINDKMAN, painter      1155
           LAURJOROIS, potter     73 LINN ELI. (Miss F.), artist  230
           LAVALLE  ( Dr. ), potter  74  Lion      49, 154, 162, 174
           Lazare (St. ), Faubourg  177  Lion's paw         142
                   89, 91, 164, 170, 182, 191, LISBON, pottery  53
                               197, 200 LIVERPOOL, pottery and por-
           L.C            6, 163, 164, 197  celain       215, 216
                                37,55 L.L..I55, T 59.  *6 3- 182, 183, 184, 192
           Leaf, a mark  97, 113, 143, 159 LLANELLY, pottery  234
                                  191 L.M                   161
           LEANDRE, painter
           LISBEL, potter      191, 200 LOCKER & Co., potters  227
           LKBCEUK, potter        178 LOCKE-IT (J.), potter  206
           LEBRUN, potter      163, 172 LOCKE (Jan B.), potter  177
           LECERF (J.), initials of  68 LODI, pottery        43
           LECOT, painter         192 LODOVICO (Maestro)     35
           LKDOUX, painter        192 LONGPORT, pottery and porc-
           L'JR, GRAINGER & Co., potters... 223  lain    206, 207
           LEEDS, pottery         223 LONGTON HALL, pottery  213
           LEFEBVRE  (Denis), potter  '58 LOOSDRECHT, porcelain  161, 162
           LE FRANCOIS, potter    174 LORKTO  (Santa  Casa),  maio-
           LBGAY, painter        200                         47
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