Page 26 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 26

XXVI                  INDEX.

           R.F.D. porcellana      *4 8 ROUSSKL, painter  ..194. 202
           RG                  38, 158 ROUY, pottery
           R.H. Worcester     218, 219 Royal Epoch, Sevres  182, 183
                                  85 R.R                     53
           RHEINSBERG, pottery
                                  62  R.R.I                  <)$
           RHIN (poterie du)
           RHODIANware            54 R.S                      tf
                                  201 R.T.C                  "7
           RICHARD (Emile), painter
                                  202 RUBATI (Pnscjualf), potter  H
                (Eugene), painter
                                  202 RuitKLLA, a pattern   200
                (Francis), painter
                                  202 RIJHKLLKS, pottery     7^
               (Joseph) .painter
               modeller           144 RUCKINGKN, pottery      4
                                  202 RUDOLSTAUT, porcduin   158
               (Paul), painter
           RIDGWAY (E. J.) and ABINGTUN,  RUSSIA, porcelain  tf>.j  i<"
             potters              209 RussiNGKU, potter      177
                   and Geo.), potters.... 209 K.V.A          w
                  and W.), potters  209 R.V.H                <"
               (J.                   R.X
                MORLEV, WEAR & Co.,                       70. 2<;2
           RIMINI, maiolica     26, 27
           RING (Joseph), potter  229
           RINGLER, potter        157 S   14, 30, 38, 46, 68, grt, 152, ifia,
           Rio BERTINO            28     i6y, 172, 177, 184, 210, 217, 2iH
           RIOCREUX (D^sird-Dcnis), painter 202 S.A       07,  17-1
               (Isidore), painter  202 SAMLK.K (John), potter  215
           Ripa Granni, Venice    37      & GUKKN, puuurb   215
           RL                  76, 194 S.A.F                 of
           R.M                  76,88 S.A.G.S                15
           R.M.W. & Co            210 ST. AMAND-LKS-KAUX, por-
           R   n                  158   celain               17.1
                                  202                        07
           ROBERT (J. F.), painter        pottwry
               (J. Gnspard), potter  70, 176 ST. ANTHONY'S, pottery  225
                (Madame), painter  202 ST. ANTOINE (Kaubotirji), pnr-
                (Pierre), painter  202  cda i n          T 77,  i ft i
           ROCCO, of Castelli     41  St. Barnaba, V<Miiee   30
           ROCHA SOARES, potter   53 ST. CKNIS (Sincony), poilery ....
           ROCHELLE, pottery    57, 66 ST. CLOUD, porce'lsun  io-j
           ROCHER, painter        194     pottery            =10
          ROCKINGHAM, porcelain   224 ST. DKNIS' (Kaulxjuri',),  jjorec-
               ware               224   hiin             i?H, 170
          ROGERS, potter.         206 ST. IIONOkK (l-aulu  por-
               (Kate), artist     231                       176
           ROLET, potter           8  St. Luc (Gildnl) ......................  04
           ROMA ALMA (1623)       50 ST. MINIATKLLO, tmiiolio,*.,..
           Roman (the), a sign    94 ST.  I'Ji'J'KRSIUJRU,  purcflain
          ROMBALOOTTI (Hippolito)  16
           ROME, maiolica         50 ST. QUIKICO, niuicjlicn ...... !.'!?.'
          ROQUETTE (Rue de la), porce-  ST. U2KS, pottcrv ...................
                  '               177 ST. VliRAJN, puiicry ..............
                                  77 SAINTJ-IS, pottery ...................
           RORSTRAND, pottery     77 SAIN'I'-J^OY, fiiyencc ...............  <*?
           RosA(M.), potter       8r SAINT-LON(iK, fuvwv ..........  71
           Rose, as a mark     95, 218 SAINT-OMKK, fjiycnai ............
           ROSE, potter
                              217, 2t8 SAlNT-l'ORCUAIkK, puiuiiy..
           ROSELLI, painter          Siiltitiiiiiidcr ............................
                                  j.i                        54
           ROSSET, painter        194 SAMMMKNK fAiulivoli), potter .....  4
                                  53 SALlSliUKY, pottery ............. ,.
           ROTHENBURG, potter     160 SAI.OMONK (GiroUmin), potic-r .....
           ROUEN, pottery       59,  O SALON, painter ........................
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31