Page 25 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 25

INDEX.                   XXV

                                 PAGE                       J'AUIC
           PIETRO DA CASTEL DURANTE..  16 PRINCE (J.), potter  214
           PILLIVUYT, potter      180 P.R.NP.                49
           PINART (Hippolite), painter  56 PROSKAU, pottery  8r
           Pink, a mark         20, 38  14  Prova," a murk   142
           Pipes, a mark     62, 82, 171  Provence (Comte de)  171, 172
           PIRKENHAMMER,   porcelain  PRUSSIA, porcelain     153
                               *52, 153 P.S             30, 32, 58
           PIROTE, potter       18, 19 P.T                   193
           Pitcher, the double     94 PTTO Fco                7
                                  194 PUENTA DE AR7OBISPO....
           PITHOU, painter                                   53
           P.K                       PULL or Pull            56
           PL                     i  PV                      76
                                  213 P.V.D
           PLANT (Benjamin), potter                          95
           PLANTIER, potter        72 P.V.M                  95
           PLINE, painter         201  P.V.S                 95
           PLYMOUTH, porcelain  228, 22Q P.Y.C               52
           P.M.R                  202 PYNACKKK, potter       94
           P.O                 76, 148
           POISSONNIERE (Rue),  porce-
             lain                 180 Q                      73
           POITIERS, pottery       57  Queen's Ware         225
           POLAND, porcelain      166 QUIMPER, pottery       73
           POLO (San), maiolica   35 QUIR1CO (St.), maiolica  34
           PONT AUX CHOUX,   porce-
             lain                 176
           POPINCOUKT (Rue de), porce-  R  14, 2*, 22, 31, 37, 51, 60, 76, 95.
             lain                 181       158, l6o, 176, 2OI, 202, 224
                                  165 R.A
           POPOKK, potter                                    23
           POPPLESDpRF, pottery   81  Rabbit, as a mark  113, 115
           Porcelain, Oriental  99-141 RAKKAKLLO (Girolamo), potter...  42
           Porcelaine d'AngoulGme  179, 181  RAINEKIUS (j. B. Rubbeus)  24
               de Belleville      180 RASNOUS (Nicolaus)     18
               de Comic d'Artois  1 79 KATISBON, porcelain  158
               de Due d'Orleans   172 RATO Portugal ) , pottery  53
               de la Courtille    177 HAITI (Affostino)      45
               de rimpe'ratrice   i8r RAUENSTEFN, porcelain  158
               de la Rcinc        178 RAUX, painter         194
               de la Tour         163 RAVENNA, pottery     s>8, 29
               de Monsiinir       172 R.U         "..76, 168, 187, ZQSJ
               de Prince de Galles  180 R.C.P               180
           PORTO (Oporto), pottery  53 RK                    49
           Portraits            21, 28 RKED, pottr          224
           PORTUGAL, porcelain    148 REGENSBERG (Kutisbon)  158
               pottery            53 RKGNIKK, painter       2ot
           POSSINGKR (N.), potter.  81, 88  RKiciiUMUAC'ii, potter  153
          POTTER (Charles), potter  180 REID & Co., potters  216
          POUH-LOT, painter       194 HEINE, poreduine de la  178
                                  66 RKINIKK
          POULAINK (Duprg), potter                           95
          POUPAUT (A.), painter   201  HKJOUX, painter      cot
          POUPRES  pottery        65 RKNAKD (lunile), painter  201
           PouYAT(J.J, potter  69, 377 RJCNDSBURG, pottery   85
          P.P                   57.6o RENNES, pottery        72
          P.R          28, 43, 76, 177, 202 Republican Epoch (Sevres)..,. 182, 184
          PRAGUE, porcelain       153 REUILLY (Barricre de), porcu-
          PREMIERES, pottery      74    lain                177
          PR&VOST, painter.       194 RVKKND (Claude), potter  56
          PRINCE DE GALLES, porce-   RKVIL, potter          179
             lain                 180 R.F             143, 182, 184
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30