Page 23 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 23

INDEX.                  XX111

           MF                     152 MORLEY (Nottingham), potter.... 225
           M.F.S                    4 MOKKKINH (A.)  potter  57
           MG                    12, 90 MOSCOW, porcelain  65, 66
                                 8-10 MOUL1NS, pottery
           MICAUD, painter        201 MOUKOT, potter         66
           MICHAUD, painter       192 MOUSTIERS, pottery   63-65
           MICHEL, painter        192 M.P               53, 95, I7C
           MIDDLESI3OROUGH, pottery. 224 M.P.M               150
           MIL                     43 MQ                     97
                                  144 M.R                   201
           MILAN, porcelain
                pottery         43, 44 MOLLKR, potter        167
           M ILDE Arv.  cle) , pottery  95 Mullets or spur rowels, three (mark) 59
           MILES (Thomas), potter  208 MUNSTER, pottery      89
           Mi LET, painter        2or  Musical instruments  113
           MINDEN, pottery         86 MUTKT,, painter        193
           Ming dynasty           101 M.V.B                  95
           M1NIATELLO (San), niaiolicn..  43 M.V.M          231
           MINTON (Herbert), potter  211  M. W. & Co        234
                (Thomas), potter  211 My ATT, putter        212
                & BOYLK, potters  211
                HOLLINS & Co., potters... 211
                POULSON & Co., potters ... 211 N  9, 42, 57, 143, 168, 173, 184
           MIRAGAIA (Oporto)                             186, 226
                                  155 NANTES, pottery        57
           MJ                  87, 176 NANTGARW, porcelain  234
           M.M                     66 NAPLES, porcelain     143
                                                           41, 42
           M.O                 90, 201  Napoloon         1 83 ,  1 84
           MOABIT, porcelain      153 NAST, potter          180
           Modelling table, as a mark  226 NATHUSIUS, potter  160
                                   66 N.H
           MOGAIN, painter                                   81
           MOIRON, painter        192 NEALK, potter.        208
           MOITTE, potter         172     & PAI.MKK, potters  208
           M.O.L                  162     & WILSON, potters  208
           MoOL(De), potter       7(12 NKNGOO JAPAN         130
           MONGKNOT, painter      193  NIOP1TA, pottery      41
           MONGINOT, potter       377 NEUFRIICDSTE1N, pottery  85
           MONNIKK, potter        171 N1CU [lALUENSLICliEN, pottery 83
           MONSIEUR, porcelainedo..i7J, 172 NIOVKKS, pottery
           MONTAIGNON (M.)         59 Now blanche china     212
           MUNTAKCY (Outrequin de), potter 176 NKWKOLD. potter  213
           MONTAUBAN              66 NEWCASTLE- UPON -TYNJC,
                 (Capo di)        143   P')ttery         215, 225
           MONTELUPO, pottery   42, 43 New Kayeuce, Spode's  211
           MONTET, pottery        73 NEW HALL, woiks        210
           MONTPELIER, pottery    69 N.G                   13,46
           MONTREUIL, porcelain   173  Nicholas 1., Emperor of Russia... 105
           MOOKK & Co., potters   225 NICOLAUS me RAONOLIS   18
           MOORISH pottery                ORSINT             18
           Moor's head, a sign    05  NICOLKTO, of Padun     39
           MORAVIA, pottery       82  Niroi.o DA UKHINO       2
           MOKICAU, painter.      201 N1DEKVILLKR, porcohiin...i7a, 173
               potter             176     pot t(;ry          62
           MOKKLLF., potter       177  Mir;r, (Joseph), artist  152
                                  2129 NFOUKT, painter      193
           MORGAN (Win, de), potti-r.... -..-...
           MOKIN, painter                                    72
                                  193 NISMKS, puttery
           MOKIOT, painter        ao'i NO                    88
                                  210 NOE
                , potter                                     26
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