Page 27 - The Collectors Hand-Book, Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain Asian Marks begin on Page 130
P. 27
SALOP, pottery and porcelain 216, 217 S.F.R 153
208 S.G.I.B
SALT, potter 38
SALVAGGIO (Guido) 18 S.G.P 40
94 S.H 194, 228
SANDKUUS (L.), potter
SAN MINIATELLO, maiolica... 43 SHARP & Co., potters 228
SAN POLO, pottery 35 SIIARPIC, potter 215
SAN QUJRICO, maiolica 34 SHAW (Alderman), potter 215
SAN SEPOLCH RO (Citta Horgo) 33 SHAVVJL (Ralph), potter 2or,
SANS (William), potter 204 Shears, as a mark 51
SANSONT (M.), potter pottery and porce-
SANTA CASA (Loreto) 47 lain 209, 210
SARGADELOS, pottery 51 SHERIFF HILL, pottery 225
SARREGUEMINES, porcelain.. 175 Shield 35, 38, 4.1, 45, 46, 55, 82,
pottery 55 84,147,152,155,156,158,
228 2oq, 210
SARUM, pottery
Savages, the two 94 Siiip, a mark 207
SAVING (G. P.), of Rome 50 SIIOKK (Joseph), potter 22g
SAVONA, pottery 45-47 SiiottTiiosic, potier 208
Saxon blue china 212 Shuttle;, a mark 4
SAXONY, porcelain 149- 1 51 SIENA, pottery 34, 35
S.o 56, 64, 68, 169, 187, 188 Signatures 6r, 05
S.C.E 20 SlLliKKTAMKR (C. H.), paillUT. ... 155
pottery 71, 72 SIMONO, of Castel Durante 16
Sceptre 153, 155 S1NCENY, pottery 68
SCHAFFHAUSKN, pottery 89 SINSSON, painter 194, 203
ScwAPiiR (John), painter Sioux, painter 104
SCMIEfD. V.' 95 S.K 88
SCIIILT (L. P'.), painter 203 S.1 95
SCHLAGGENWALD, porcelain 152 S.M 97, 210
SCHLESWIG, pottery 87 SMITH Bassford 225
SCHL1ERBACH, pottery 84 (William), potter 2^5
ScnOiCLCJiKK, potter 179 S.N 147
SCIIUADKK, painter 194 SNKVD (T.), j)otter 209
SCHRE1TZIIEIM, pottery 81 SOAKKS (Kochn), potter 53
SCHUMAN (M.), potter 153 SOLIVA, psiinter 03
SCHWART/BKRG (Kndolstadi) 158 Soi.OMituiNO (L;ncadio) 29
SCHWETDNITZ, pottery 84 Sor.oN-Mu.f-.s, artist 210
SCHWERIN, pottery 86 SOKKKNTINI, jiainter 148
SCJOTT (Brothers), potters...? 225 SOUKOUX, potter 177
S cy 68 SOUTUALL, pottery 231
Seal stamps, Chinese 103 SOUTHWICK, pottery 225
SKRASTINO MAKKOKIO ib S.P 30, 32, 72, 76, 170
SEGOVIA, pottery 53 SI'AANUONCK, potter 94
SJCIGNKS (, potter 57 SPAIN, maiolica 51 53
SEfNlE (La), porcelain 174 porcelain 1.17, 148
SEPOLCIIKO (Monjo San) 33 Si'KJtL (Widow), potter
SEPT FONTAINES, porcelain.. 164 S.P.M 150
SEVILLE, pottery 51, 52 (Josiah), potter 211
SEVRES, porcelain 182-203 a/id COIWLAND 211
date marks 185 34
marks of the manufactory S.R.
182, j85 ., 194, 21 t
marks of painters 186 203 S.S.D 2^3
SKWKI.L, potter 225 St 77
Sexagenary Cycle, China 107 STAFFORDSHIRE, potteiy and
Japan 128, 129 porcelain 304-215