Page 67 - Christies May 12, 2017 Kensington
P. 67


                (two views)

~■316                                                               furniture that was sent from Guangdong as tribute to the court
A CARVED ALOESWOOD EXPORT ‘CURIOSITY’ MIRROR                        in the 18th century. Closer inspection of the buildings in the
19TH CENTURY                                                        upper quarter of the piece, however, reveals that two moon-
                                                                    shaped ‘windows’ are in fact glazed, and invite the viewer to
The ingenious device comprises a carved box that encloses a         look inside. On looking through the left window the viewer sees
large circular mirror. The wood is carved in relief with pavilions  a stage with fgures in European dress, an arch and several
in a mountainous landscape amongst clouds and rivers above          sets of wings, which give an appearance of recession to the
water around the base. The pavilions are carved with two peep       scene. The right window encloses European fgures in rowing
holes containing mirrors refecting two scenes made up from          boats and sailing vessels, all set up to create a sense of depth.
painted shelves on the reverse that are arranged to create a
sense of perspective in two columns of fve, one depicting           From the back of the cabinet it is possible to see the fve layers
fgures in a European street, the other fgures in boats on a lake.   of scenery. The impression when looking through the ‘windows’
The upper part of the glazed back is painted in reverse with        in the front of the cabinet is of seeing a miniature version of an
terraced pavilions in a river landscape.                            18th century theatre - of the kind that has survived to this day
31¿ in. (79 cm.) high; 22 in. (56 cm.) wide; 8æ in. (22 cm.) deep   in a few European palaces, such as Ludwigsburger Castle near
                                                                    Stuttgart in Germany. The whole construction of this viewing
£15,000-25,000  $19,000-31,000                                      cabinet has been beautifully crafted to give full efect to the
                €18,000-29,000                                      optical illusion it ofers the viewer, and must have delighted its
                                                                    intended recipient.
A similar ‘curiosity’ mirror was ofered at Christie’s London, 15
May 2007, lot 34.                                                   清十九世紀 沉香木雕海水樓閣紋萬花鏡

At frst glance this exceptionally rare item appears to be an                                                                                                       65
intricately carved dark wood cabinet with a round mirror on
the front. The elaborate, high relief, carving, which depicts
buildings, waves and clouds, is reminiscent of the well-carved
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