Page 19 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 19
308 A BLUE AND WHITE 清康熙 內暗花雙龍趕珠紋外青花鳳凰紋盌
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
the rounded sides springing from a short, This bowl is of a type, unique to the Kangxi 來源
slightly splayed foot, to a gently flaring rim, period, that appears both with an imperial George (1911-1989) 及 Cornelia Wingfield
deftly painted on the exterior with three Kangxi reign mark and with an apocryphal Digby 收藏
phoenix in flight with wings outspread and Chenghua mark, as on the present example. 奧林匹亞蘇富比2003年6月12日,編號1103
trailing long, flowing tail feathers, the interior Similar bowls with a Kangxi reign mark include Geoffrey Waters, Ltd.,倫敦,2003年
finely incised with a pair of sinuous dragons one sold in our London rooms, 2nd November
each in pursuit of a ‘flaming pearl’ among 1974, lot 548, and another in our Hong Kong
scattered clouds and flames, encircling an rooms, 21st May 1980, lot 192. A pair of nearly
underglaze-blue central medallion of a carp identical bowls with Chenghua marks was sold
rising from waves, the base with an apocryphal in our Hong Kong rooms, 17th November 1975,
six-character Chenghua mark, coll. no. 1460 lot 65. See also a related pair of bowls, Kangxi
Diameter 6 in., 15.2 cm mark and period but lacking anhua decoration,
was sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 5th April
PROVENANCE 2017, lot 3680.
Collection of George (1911-1989) and Cornelia
Wingfield Digby .
Sotheby’s Olympia, 12th June 2003, lot 1103.
Geoffrey Waters, Ltd., London, 2003.
$ 10,000-12,000