Page 26 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 26


                Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
                finely potted, of elegantly curving beaker form, the steep,
                gently flaring sides sweeping to an everted rim, all supported
                on a slightly splayed base, the exterior superbly enameled
                with a scene featuring the famous, ample-bellied Tang dynasty
                poet relaxing on a balustraded, terraced hillside, wearing
                scholar’s robes, seated in a relaxed posture, supporting one
                arm against a large wine jar amid further vessels, confronting
                an acolyte proffering a scroll, all surrounded by varying leafing,
                flowering plants and rockwork, the reverse with a two line poetic
                inscription, coll. no. 1543
                Height 4½ in., 11.4 cm
                The C.A. and J.A. Collection.
                Marchant, London.
                Robert McPherson, London, 2004.

                $ 6,000-8,000

                清康熙   五彩太白醉詩圖詩文仰鐘式盃

                C.A. 及 J.A. 收藏
                Robert McPherson,倫敦,2004年


                Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
                brightly enameled with a continuous scene of idealized
                domesticity, depicting a young mother elegantly attired in
                Han-style robes, a feather fan clasped in one hand, standing
                attentively with two small boys, the younger playfully gesturing
                with a calligraphy brush as the other hides shyly behind, all
                amid a luxuriant balustraded garden setting with freely painted
                mountains looming in the distance and the sun shining overhead,
                the underside white-glazed, coll. no. 225
                Diameter 10⅜ in., 26.4 cm

                Berwald Oriental Art, London, 2000.
                Depictions of idealized feminine beauty were popular during
                the early Qing dynasty. Virtuosity, motherhood, and refinement
                were expected of young women and portrayals in text, song
                and painting were meant to encourage the archetype. A closely
                related dish of this type in the Palace Museum, Beijing is
                illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
                Museum, Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours,
                Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 101.
                $ 6,000-8,000

                清康熙   五彩仕女嬰戲圖盤


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