Page 27 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 27

316     A LARGE FAMILLE-                清康熙   五彩荷塘佳色圖缸
                   VERTE ‘LOTUS’

                   Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
                   stoutly potted, of deep U-shape, richly   Vibrantly painted, the verdant subject matter   來源
                   enameled around the exterior with an   is apt as a vessel for fish and additionally   Cohen & Cohen,倫敦,2001年
                   auspicious depiction of a resplendent lotus   replete with auspicious meaning, the lotus
                   pond featuring broad leaves with curling   being associated with longevity, integrity and
                   edges and delicate veining, straining slender   harmony. The benevolent subject matter is   出版
                   stems issuing brightly colored buds and lush   further heightened by the exaggerated scale of   Jeffrey P. Stamen、Cynthia Volk 及倪亦斌,
                   blossoms, all emerging from placid waters   the flowers which are enormous in relation to   《文采卓然:潔蕊堂藏康熙盛世瓷》,布呂
                   enlivened by small waterbirds paddling along   the birds which gather among them.   赫,2017年,圖版72
                   the surface, perching elegantly on foliage and
                   flying overhead, the base unglazed, coll. no. 215  A fish bowl of the same form and subject
                                                   matter but painted in underglaze-blue was sold
                   Diameter 14⅜ in., 36.5 cm
                                                   in our London rooms 14th May 2014, lot 220.
                   PROVENANCE                      For a related form, see a Kangxi period famille-
                   Cohen & Cohen, London, 2001.    verte vase decorated with egrets, butterflies
                                                   and insects amidst a lotus pond, illustrated in
                   LITERATURE                      The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
                   Jeffrey P. Stamen, Cynthia Volk with Yibin Ni, A   Palace Museum. Porcelain in Polychrome and
                   Culture Revealed, Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain   Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 81.
                   from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Bruges, 2017,
                   cat. no. 72.                    $ 30,000-50,000

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