Page 32 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 32
320 A FAMILLE-VERTE 清康熙 五彩風塵三俠圖圍棋罐
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
of slightly compressed globular form, “A single play that claims victory” a maxim 來源
richly enameled around the exterior with referring to disputed assertions to power being 紐約佳士得2006年3月29日,編號488
a continuous narrative scene depicting Li settled by a game of weiqi rather than on a
Shimen, a contender to the throne, in red battlefield, is aptly illustrated on the present 出版
playing against a Daoist master, with Liu box. The story, which takes place at the end of Jeffrey P. Stamen、Cynthia Volk 及倪亦斌,
Wenjing observing the game from above, Qui the Sui dynasty (581-618 AD) revolves around 《文采卓然:潔蕊堂藏康熙盛世瓷》,布呂
Ran Ke, identifiable by the long beard and Li a beautiful courtesan Zhang Chuchen, known 赫,2017年,圖版41
Jing entering the room, all set within an elegant as Hong Fu Nü (Lady with the Red Whisk),
pavilion, the reverse with a cluster of wutong who escapes from a powerful warlord, Yang
trees, with a pierced ruyi-head wood cover (2), Su, by eloping with the play’s young hero, Li
coll. no. 1577 Jing. In their travels the couple encounter Qiu
Diameter 4¾ in., 12.1 cm Ran Ke and Li Shimen, two contenders vying
to establish a new dynasty. The present lot
PROVENANCE depicts the moment that determines which
Christie’s New York, 29th March 2006, lot 488. of the two rivals is the most deserving. Li
Shimen proves his worthiness, establishes a
LITERATURE new dynasty and becomes the second Tang
Jeffrey P. Stamen, Cynthia Volk with Yibin Ni, A emperor, Taizong. The saga of Hong Fu Nü
Culture Revealed, Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain and Li Shimen’s skill at weiqi was recorded as
from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Bruges, 2017, early at the late Tang dynasty in The Tale of
cat. no. 41. the Curly-Bearded Guest by Du Guanting (850-
933) and enjoyed a resurgence of popularity in
$ 8,000-10,000 the late Ming dynasty with The Story of Hongfu
by Zhang Fengyi (1527-1613).