Page 39 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
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Collecting taste of the Kangxi period was set both by traditional literati   加之朝代更替等種種因素,促成景德鎮製瓷技
                           ideals and by a contemporary desire to emulate the emperor’s personal   術精進、藝術更上層樓,可謂因緣際會,成就瓷
                           dedication to scholarly pursuits. Literati art inspired by deeds and   藝輝煌時刻。如此珍玩以文人雅事為題,借玩賞
                           artifacts continually revitalized the past and served to immortalize not   收藏,追求文士理想境界,有財力購買者僅屬少
                           just the artists but literati traditions as well.  The literati aesthetic was   數。購此類瓷器者,既從中索求靈感,更以之炫
                           held to the most exacting standards and therefore attractive to eager   耀財富權位。
                           enthusiasts ascribed to a scholarly lifestyle. The artisans of Jingdezhen
                           proved particularly apt and able to create porcelains uniquely pairing the
                           beauty of imagery as painted by famous artists and the poetry penned
                           by renown poets on a three-dimensional objects as exemplified by the
                           present brushpot.
                           As with other related pieces of the period, the inscription on the brushpot   唐代藍綠彩器,並題唐詩寄願,祈求於自然境界
                           ends with a seal mark not of the poet but of a workshop, Zhu Shi Ju. This   覓得繆斯佳人啟發文思,而筆筒,又是用於裝載
                           mark  appears  on  other  porcelains  of superlative  quality  and  belongs   畫筆、供文士揮毫作畫之器,如此構思及用途,
                           to a very select group thought to be associated with one or more small   深為清初富裕買家所喜。康熙朝之收藏品味,既
                           private workshops in  Jingdezhen, operating during the late Ming and   依據傳統文士理想,亦力求仿效皇帝喜好文人
                           early Qing dynasty. The present mark bears a striking similarity to the Mu   高雅之追求。代表文士德行、靈感取源古器之珍
                           Shi Ju mark and is considered by many to be a variant from that studio.   玩,承傳古風,文士傳統歷久彌新,藝匠創思流
                           These porcelains share not only related marks but material, stylistic and   傳千古。此類器緊貼文士美學標準,一絲不苟,
                           iconographic characteristics that are sufficiently distinctive to indicate   故此極能吸引追求文人生活方式者。景德鎮藝
                           shared production of limited, likely commissioned, works of art by an elite   匠製瓷尤精,擅長以名詩配佳畫,繪於立體瓷器
                           group of exceptionally talented craftsmen. These workshops specialized   器身,本筆筒正屬一例。
                           in the production of refined, scholarly wares that would appeal to both the
                           imperial court and wealthy enthusiasts who aspired to the literati lifestyle.   詩者之鈐印,如此做法與其他作例相近。此印
                           There is a good deal of speculation  surrounding  these very distinctive   亦見於其他珍品,據傳出自景德鎮一個或數
                           superlative porcelains regarding identity and what, if any, was their level   個私人作坊,活躍於晚明及清初,成品為數極
                           of contact with the literati, imperial artists and representatives from the   少。本印與「木石居」印極為相近,多有認為出
                           imperial household. Notable scholars such as  Julia Curtis in  Chinese   自同一作坊。此組瓷器不僅鈐印相近,瓷質、風
                           Porcelains of the Seventeenth Century: Landscapes, Scholars’ Motifs and   格及紋飾獨特之餘亦見相似,故可推斷應由少
                           Narratives,  The China Institute, New  York, 1995;  Yibin Ni in ‘Tang Poet   數藝匠受委託特製,成品數量有限,而藝匠造
                           Wang Changling Thinking of His Muse by Moonlight’, Reader’s Taste: (Mar.   詣則極其精湛。此等作坊專製文士珍玩,既受
                           2017); Professor  Wang Qingzheng in  Kangxi Porcelain  Wares from the   朝廷青睞,亦獲喜愛文人風雅之富人追捧。此
                           Shanghai  Museum  Collection,  Hong Kong, 1998,  pp.  xxiii-xxv  and  again   組珍瓷風格獨特,製作精巧,然而製瓷者確實
                           in  ‘The Seventeenth Century:  A  Turning Point in Porcelain Production   身份,以及其與當時文人、御窰藝匠及宮廷貴
                           in Jingdezhen’,  Seventeenth Century  Jingdezhen Porcelain from the   族有何或有否來往,則猜測甚多而未有定論。
                           Shanghai Museum and the Butler Collection, London, 2006, pp. 50-54;   著名學者如Julia  Curtis於《Chinese  Porcelains
                           and Lu Pengliang in ‘Where Potters Met Poets, A Kangxi Vase with a Poetry   of  the  Seventeenth  Century:  Landscapes,
                           Gathering in Jingdezhen’, Arts of Asia, vol. 47, no. 2 (Mar – Apr. 2017), pp.   Scholars’  Motifs  and  Narratives》,華美協進
                           98-104, have all written on the topic and it is to be hoped that time and   社,紐 約,1995年;倪亦斌,汪慶正《 上海博
                           further research will throw clear light on this opaque and fascinating area.   物 館 藏 康 熙 瓷 圖 錄》,香 港,1998年,頁 xxiii-
                                                                           xxv;〈The  Seventeenth  Century:  A  Turning
                           Brushpots of this large size, in the famille-verte palette bearing inscriptions   Point  in  Porcelain  Production  in  Jingdezhen〉,
                           are exceptionally rare.  A closely related  famille-verte  brushpot with a   《Seventeenth  Century  Jingdezhen  Porcelain
                           two-line poetic  inscription bearing the same  Zhu  Shi Ju seal mark but   from  the  Shanghai  Museum  and  the  Butler
                           of smaller size and a depiction of the Tang poet Li Bai set within a black   Collection》,倫敦,2006年,頁50-54;陸鵬亮
                           double lines, is in the Shanghai Museum and illustrated in Kangxi Porcelain   〈Where  Potters  Met  Poets,  A  Kangxi  Vase
                           Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1998, pl. 111.
                                                                           with a Poetry Gathering in Jingdezhen〉,《Arts
                           The Palace Museum, Beijing has a deep U-form jar depicting two scholars   of  Asia》,2017年3-4月,頁98-104等均曾發表
                           conversing on a bridge along with an inscription and a Mu Shi Ju seal mark   相關討論,唯望通過更多研究,此迷可於未來解
                           illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures in the Palace Museum,   開。
                           Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong, 1999, pl.
                           93.   A large bird and flower decorated  famille-verte brushpot, dated to   如此尺寸碩大並加題詩之五彩筆筒甚是罕見,
                           1709 with a Mu Shi Ju seal mark in the Musée Guimet, Paris is illustrated   上海博物館收藏一五彩筆筒例,帶相同「朱石
                           in Oriental Ceramics The World’s Great Collections, Vol. 8, Musee Guimet,   居」印,尺寸較小,畫詩仙李白,雙黑線內題兩行
                           Tokyo, 1976, pl. 53. An inscribed famille-verte brushpot of smaller size with   詩句,圖見於《上海博物館藏康熙瓷圖錄  》,香
                           bird and flower decoration was sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 29th-30th   港,1998年,編號111。  北京故宮博物院收藏一瓶
                           November 2018, lot 324. Another, of smaller size, similarly bird and flower   例,繪兩文士橋上對談,題詩、鈐「木石居」印,圖
                           decorated, inscribed and bearing a Mu Shi Ju seal mark, from the Jie Rui   載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.五彩.鬪彩》
                           Tang collection sold in these rooms, 20th March 2018, lot 310.  ,香港,1999年,圖版93。巴黎吉美美術物館收
                                                                           20日,編號310。                            37
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