Page 44 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 44


                Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
                the gui-form body sweeping to an everted rim and set to either
                side with an elegant yoke-form handle, all supported on a low,
                splayed foot, covered overall with an unctuous, creamy-white
                glaze, pierced wood cover with a jadeite finial (2), coll. no. 149
                Width across handles 4½ in., 11.4 cm
                Gerard Hawthorn, London, 2001.
                The present censer derives its inspiration from famous Song
                dynasty Longquan and Guan ware ceramic examples which in
                turn reference archaic bronze vessels. Here the stylized fish-form
                handles have been abstracted but the outline is unmistakable.
                During the 17th and 18th century, bronze censers of the same
                form enjoyed popularity as well. For a bronze example and a
                discussion on the evolution of the form see China’s Renaissance
                in Bronze, The Robert H. Clague Collection of Later Chinese
                Bronzes 1100-1900, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, 1993, cat. no.
                15. A similar Dehua censer is illustrated in P. J. Donnelly, Blanc de
                Chine, New York, 1968, pl. 11C.
                $ 3,000-5,000

                清康熙   德化白釉雙耳爐

                Gerard Hawthorn,倫敦,2001年

       330      A ‘DEHUA’ RETICULATED
                ‘PEONY’ BRUSHPOT

                Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
                of tall cylindrical form, deftly pierced with dense foliage issuing
                from central peony blossoms set between narrow, gently
                channeled rims, covered overall in a lustrous creamy-white glaze,
                coll. no. 1536
                Height 5¾ in., 14.6 cm
                Polly Latham, Boston, 2005.
                $ 4,000-6,000

                清康熙   德化白釉鏤雕纏枝牡丹紋筆筒

                Polly Latham,波士頓,2005年

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