Page 48 - Sotheby's Jie Rui Tang Collection Part II Kangxi Porcelain March 2019
P. 48
336 A RARE AND 清康熙辛巳年(1701年) 五彩加官進爵圖梅瓶一對
Qing Dynasty, Dated Xinsi Year, Corresponding 來源
to 1701 Collis P. Huntington 夫人 (1851-1924) 收藏
each superbly potted with a well-proportioned Archer M. Huntington 先生 (1870-1955) 收藏
rounded shoulder tapering to a low, splayed Duveen Brothers,紐約
base and surmounted by a short waisted 諾頓 ·西蒙基金會,1964年
neck with a gently flaring rim, the baluster Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc.,紐約,1971年5月
body vibrantly enameled with similar scenes 7至8日,編號28
of scholars paying homage, in one a kneeling Ralph M. Chait Galleries,紐約
scholar presents credentials near a court David A. Berg 收藏
attendant reading from a scroll, all observed by 紐約佳士得2000年9月21日,編號328
further scholars, attendants and guards; the Marchant,倫敦,2002年
other portraying two red-bearded foreigners
showing deference, one presenting a jue, 展覽
the other a boot, both within a lavish interior 《Porcelain Through the Ages》,Sassoon
cleverly outlined by a voluminous drapery swag House,倫敦,1934年3月
swept back to one side and the strong diagonal
Iranian Institute,紐約,1944年
lines of the tiled roof to the other, the reverse 《Recent Acquisitions》,S. Marchant &
with vertical rockwork of varying greens and tall Son,倫敦,2001年,編號10
leafy trees, all set between a band of striding
chilong on a fish-roe ground and a chevron
band around the rim, and florets on a pale 出版
green stippled ground over a narrow border of Edgar Gorer 及 J. F. Blacker,《Chinese
overlapping petals encircling the foot, the base Porcelain and Hardstones》, 冊一,倫
inscribed xinsi nian zhi in underglaze blue (2), 敦,1911年,圖版118
coll. nos 580, 581 Jeffrey P. Stamen、Cynthia Volk 及倪亦斌,
Height 12 in., 30.5 cm
Collection of Mrs. Collis P. Huntington (1851-
Collection of Archer M. Huntington (1870-1955).
Duveen Brothers, New York.
Collection of The Norton Simon Foundation,
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, 7th-8th
May 1971, lot 28.
Ralph M. Chait Galleries, New York.
Collection of David A. Berg.
Christie’s New York, 21st September 2000,
lot 328.
Marchant, London, 2002.
Porcelain Through the Ages, Sassoon House,
London, March 1934.
Iranian Institute, New York, 1944.
Recent Acquisitions, S. Marchant & Son,
London, 2001, cat. no. 10.
Edgar Gorer and J. F. Blacker, Chinese Porcelain
and Hardstones, Vol. I, London, 1911, pl. 118.
Jeffrey P. Stamen, Cynthia Volk with Yibin Ni, A
Culture Revealed, Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain
from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, Bruges, 2017, Edgar Gorer and J. F. Blacker, Chinese Porcelains and Hardstones, vol. I, London, 1911, pl. 118.
cat. no. 31.
$ 80,000-120,000