Page 16 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Tseng Collection Chinese Furniture
P. 16


          A VERY RARE LARGE HUANGHUALI                        十七世紀  黃花梨交杌
          17TH CENTURY                                          嘉木堂,香港,1995 年
          The elegantly formed stool with two thick members carved and
          shaped with tendrils to the sides forming the upper seat are connected   展覽
          by a woven top, resting on a pair of crossing hinged legs of circular   《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,國立歷史博物館,台北,
          section joined at the mid-point with round pins and shaped hardware.   1999 年 6 月 26 日 - 9 月 5 日
          The footrest is inlaid in metal with an interlocking triple lozenge and   借展 Crow 亞洲藝術館,得克薩斯,達拉斯,2007-2014 年
          corner mounts, all above a curved apron, the whole supported by   借展洛杉磯郡藝術博物館,加利福尼亞,2014-2019 年
          base stretchers.
          22 in. (56 cm) high, 25 3/4 in. (65.4 cm) wide, 18 3/4 in. (47.5 cm.) deep  出版
                                                              嘉木堂,《明式家具》,香港,1995 年,30-31 頁
          HK$800,000-1,200,000                                國立歷史博物館,《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北,1999 年,
          US$110,000-150,000                                  62 頁
                                                              伍嘉恩,《明式家具經眼錄》,北京,2015 年,154 頁
          P R O V E N AN C E
          G race Wu Bruce, Hong Kong, 1995                    交杌如本例乃為行旅或打獵所設計。它輕巧易攜,可以輕鬆扛於肩上,因此
          E XH IB I T E D                                     刻版畫上即可見到一隨從提一交杌伴於馬上主人左右(圖一)。
          Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties,
          National Museum of History, Taipei, 26 June-5 September 1999.   交杌各種質地均有,包括較平價的鐵梨木,亦有如紫檀等珍貴木材。一例黎
          Crow Museum of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas, on loan from 2007-2014.   氏家族舊藏的鐵梨木交杌於紐約佳士得售出,2015年9月17日,拍品931號。
          Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, on loan from 2014-  赫維寧漢莊園舊藏一例紫檀交杌,屬前美國加州古典家具博物館舊藏,於
          2019.                                               香港佳士得售出,2021年5月28日,拍品2820號。黃花梨質地的交杌儘管極為
          LI T E R A T U RE
          Grace Wu Bruce, Ming Furniture, Hong Kong, 1995, pp. 30-31.  和2,以及王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,第二冊,香港,1990年,圖版A41。
          National Museum of History, Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from
          the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Taipei, 1999, p. 62.
          Grace Wu Bruce, Ming Furniture Through My Eyes, Beijing, 2015,   另一黃花梨例子由伍嘉恩著錄於《攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具II》,
          p.154.                                              香港,1998年,頁76-7,編號9。還有一例,著錄於Robert Jacobsen及
                                                              Nicholas Grindley著《明尼阿波利斯藝術博物館藏中國古典家具》
          Folding stools, such as the present example, were constructed as a   (Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts),芝加哥,
          practical alternative for seating when travelling or hunting. Light in weight   1999年,36-7頁,編號1。
          and easily folded, they can be carried over the shoulder and were therefore
          a popular seat for rulers and dignitaries when travelling. A Ming dynasty
          16th century woodblock illustration of Qiu Hua Lienu Zhaun (The Stories
          of Upright Woman) depicts a servant carrying a similar folding stool while
          accompanying a rider on horseback (fig. 1).

          The present folding stool was likely made for a gentleman of significant
          stature by special commission as it is taller than most other known folding
          stools by nearly 10cm. Slightly smaller examples of this design are seen
          in a variety of woods, including less expensive materials such as tielimu
          but also other precious hard woods such as zitan. A tielimu folding stool
          formerly in the Lai Family Collection was sold at Christie’s New York, 17
          September 2015, lot 931. A zitan example from the Heveningham Hall
          Collection, previously in the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture
          Collection, was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 May 2021, lot 2820.
          While rare, several similar huanghuali folding stools are known. A similar
          example in the Shanghai Museum, formerly in the collection of Wang
          Shixiang, is illustrated by Wang Shixiang, Classic Chinese Furniture: Ming
          and Early Qing Dynasties, Hong Kong, 1986, pl. 31, details 1 and 2, and in
          Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing
          Dynasties, vol. II, Hong Kong, 1990, pl. A41. Another huanghuali example is
          illustrated by Grace Wu Bruce in Chan Chair and Qin Bench: The Dr. S.Y.
          Yip Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 76-77,   fig. 1: Woodblock print illustration to Qiu Hua
          no. 9. Another huanghuali folding stool of this type is illustrated by Robert   Lienu Zhuan (Biographies of Exemplary Women)
          D. Jacobsen and Nicholas Grindley in Classical Chinese Furniture in the
          Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, 1999, pp.36-37, no. 1.  圖一: 明代《仇畫列女傳》木刻版畫插圖

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