Page 19 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Tseng Collection Chinese Furniture
P. 19


          AN IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY RARE                     明十七世紀初   黃花梨三足燈臺
          LAMPSTAND, SANZUDENGTAI                             來源
                                                              嘉木堂,香港,1989 年
          MING DYNASTY, EARLY 17TH CENTURY                      加州文藝復興山莊中國古典家具博物館
          The upright pole passes through a circular panel supported on three   《重要中國家具 - 中國古典家具博物館舊藏》,紐約佳士得,
          elegantly formed cabriole legs superbly carved at the bottom in ball   1996 年 9 月 19 日,拍品 61 號
          feet enclosed by scrolling leaves, all set above inverted lotus heads     嘉木堂,香港
          and terminating at the top with sichi tuntou (four-fanged swallowing
          heads), animals heads depicted with gaping jaws, flared nostrils and   展覽
          bulging eyes. The legs are connected at the upper section by brass   《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北,國立歷史博物館,
          mounts incised with waves and joined by a triangular wooden panel   1999 年
          at the lower section. The top end of the pole is set with a candle stand
          above three openwork spandrels finely carved and pierced with   借展 Crow 亞洲藝術館,得克薩斯,達拉斯,2007-2014 年
          scrolling tendrils.                                 借展洛杉磯郡藝術博物館,加利福尼亞,2014-2019 年
          63 in. (162 cm.) high, 13 in. (33 cm.) wide         出版
                                                              Sarah Handler,《Carriers of Light: The Chinese Lampstand and
          HK$1,500,000-2,500,000                              Lantern》,JCCFS,1991 年,春季,24-25 頁,圖片 7-7a
          US$200,000-320,000                                  王世襄,《Additional Examples of Classical Chinese Furniture》,
                                                              Orientations,1992 年 1 月,49 頁,編號 14
          P R O V E N AN C E :                                柯惕思,《The Classic of Lu Ban and Classical Chinese Furniture》,
          G race Wu Bruce, Hong Kong, 1989.                   JCCFS,1993 年,冬季,43 頁,圖版 23
          The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, Renaissance,   王世襄及柯惕思,《中国古典家具博物館藏珍》,芝加哥及舊金山,
          California.                                         1995 年,166-167 頁,編號 77
          Christie’s New York, Important Chinese Furniture, Formerly the Museum   國立歷史博物館,《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北,1999 年,
          of Classical Chinese Furniture Collection, 19 September 1996, lot 61.  195 頁
          Grace Wu Bruce, Hong Kong.
                                                              Sarah Handler,《Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical
          E XH IB I T E D:                                    Furniture》,伯克利,2001 年,310 頁
          Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties,   王世襄,《明式家具研究》北京,2007 年,392 頁,編號 14
          National Museum of History, Taipei, 1999.           伍嘉恩,《明式家具二十年經眼錄》,北京,2010 年,257 頁
          Crow Museum of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas, on loan from 2007-2014.
          Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, on loan from 2014-

          LI T E R A T U RE :
          Sarah Handler, "Carriers of Light: The Chinese Lampstand and
          Lantern", JCCFS, Spring 1991, pp. 24-25, figs. 7 and 7a.
          Wang Shixiang, "Additional Examples of Classical Chinese
          Furniture", Orientations, January 1992, pp. 49-50, no. 14.
          Curtis Evarts, "The Classic of Lu Ban and Classical Chinese
          Furniture", JCCFS, Winter 1993, p. 43, fig. 23.
          Wang Shixiang and Curtis Evarts, Masterpieces from the Museum of
          Classical Chinese Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco, 1995, p. 166,
          no. 77.
          National Museum of History, Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from
          the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taipei, 1999, p.195.
          Sarah Handler, Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,
          Berkeley, 2001, p. 310.
          Wang Shixiang, Mingshi Jiaju Yanjiu (Research on Ming Style
          Furniture), Beijing, 2007, p. 392, no. 14.
          Grace Wu Bruce, Two Decades of Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2010, p.257.

                                                                                   (detail 細部)

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