Page 26 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Tseng Collection Chinese Furniture
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          A MAGNIFICENT HUANGHUALI CIRCULAR                   十七世紀  黃花梨五足圓香几
          17TH CENTURY                                        黎氏古玩,香港,1989 年
          The elegantly shaped incense stand is constructed with a circular top   加州文藝復興山莊中國古典傢俱博物館
          with an ‘ice-plate’ edge above a high waist moulded with elongated   《重要中國家具 - 中國古典家具博物館舊藏》,紐約佳士得,
          shaped cartouches. The arched apron is moulded with a stepped and   1996 年 9 月 19 日,拍品,48 號
          beaded edge, converging at the shoulders to the long and slender   嘉木堂,香港
          cabriole legs, terminating in ball feet above the square, stepped pads
          resting on a circular base with low bracket feet.   展覽

          38 1/8 in. (97 cm.) high, top panel 16 1/8 in. (41 cm.) diam  《中國古典家具博物館館藏品展》,舊金山太平洋歷史博物館,
                                                              1995 年 6 月 7 日 -1996 年 3 月 31 日
          HK$6,000,000-10,000,000                             《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,國立歷史博物館,台北,
          US$770,000-1,300,000                                1999 年 6 月 26 日 - 9 月 5 日
                                                              借展 Crow 亞洲藝術館,得克薩斯,達拉斯,2007-2014 年
          P R O V E N AN C E                                  借展洛杉磯郡藝術博物館,加利福尼亞,2014-2019 年
            Peter Lai Antiques, Hong Kong, 1989.
            The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, Renaissance,   出版
          California.                                         Sarah Handler,《The Incense Stand and the Scholar's Mystical
          Christie’s New York, Important Chinese Furniture. Formerly the Museum   State》,JCCFS,冬季,1990 年,6 頁,圖版 4 號及封面
          of Classical Chinese Furniture Collection, 19 September 1996, lot 48.  Sarah Handler,《Classical Chinese Furniture in the Renaissance
          Grace Wu Bruce, Hong Kong.                          Collection》,Orientations,1991 年 1 月,49 頁,圖版 11
                                                              王世襄,《簡約明練》,故宮文物月刊,1993 年 5 月,7 頁,122 號
          E XH IB I T E D
                                                              王世襄,《The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture in
          Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture, Pacific
          Heritage Museum, San Francisco, 7 June 1995 - 31 March 1996.  California》,JCCFS,1993 年,秋季,48 頁,4 號
          Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties,   王世襄及柯惕思,《中国古典家具博物館藏珍》,芝加哥及
          National Museum of History, Taipei, 26 June-5 September 1999.  舊金山,1995 年,162 頁,編號 75
          Crow Museum of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas, on loan from 2007-2014.  國立歷史博物館,《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北,1999 年,
          Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, on loan from 2014-  152 頁
          2019.                                               Sarah Handler,《Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical

          LI T E R A T U RE                                   Furniture》,伯克利,2001 年,298 頁,圖版 17.4
                                                              王世襄,《明式家具研究》北京,2007 年,附錄五,397 頁
          Sarah Handler, "The Incense Stand and the Scholar's Mystical State",
          JCCFS, Winter 1990, p. 6, fig. 4 and front cover
          Sarah Handler, "Classical Chinese Furniture in the Renaissance
          Collection", Orientations, January 1991, p. 49, fig. 11
          Wang Shixiang, "Jianyue Minglian" (Simplicity and Clarity),
          The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art, May 1993,
          p. 7, no. 122
          Wang Shixiang, "The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture in
          California", JCCFS, Autumn 1993, p. 48, no. 4
          Wang Shixiang and Curtis Evarts, Masterpieces from the Museum of
          Wang Shixiang and Curtis Evarts, Masterpieces from the Museum of
          Classical Chinese Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco,1995, p. 162-
          Classical Chinese Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco,1995, p. 162-
          163, no. 75.
          163, no. 75.
          National Museum of History, Taipei, Splendor of Style: Classical
          National Museum of History, Taipei, Splendor of Style: Classical
          Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 1999, p. 152
          Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 1999, p. 152
          Sarah Handler, Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,
          Sarah Handler, Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture,
          Berkeley, 2001, p. 298, fig. 17.4.
          Berkeley, 2001, p. 298, fig. 17.4.
          Wang Shixiang, Mingshi Jiaju Yanjiu (Ming Style Furniture
          Wang Shixiang, Mingshi Jiaju Yanjiu (Ming Style Furniture
          Research), Beijing, 2007, Appendix 5, p. 397.
          Research), Beijing, 2007, Appendix 5, p. 397.

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