Page 28 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Tseng Collection Chinese Furniture
P. 28
fig. 1 MQJ Collection fig. 2 Collection of Gangolf Geis fig. 3 Collection of Marie Teresa L. Virata
圖一 木趣居珍藏 圖二 Gangolf Geis舊藏 圖三 瑪麗‧泰瑞莎‧L‧維勒泰舊藏
Incense stands of similar shape from the Ming and early Qing dynasty 與本品形制類似的明至清初香几大多為漆器,如北京故宮博物館便藏有四
are more commonly made of lacquered softwood material. Four similarly 件形似本品的漆器香几,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:明清家具》
shaped lacquer xiangji are in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing,
illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, ,2002年,編號162,165,166和169。
Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 2002, nos. 162, 165, 166 and
169. However, examples made of hardwood or huanghuali from this period 然而同一時期硬木或黃花梨質地的類似例子則極為難覓。一例形似本品的
are exceptionally rare. One similarly shaped huanghuali censer stand 明末清初黃花梨香几現藏於木趣居,並著錄於王世襄,《明式家具研究》,
from the late Ming–early Qing period is illustrated by Wang Shixiang
in Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. Ming and Early Qing dynasties, 第二冊,頁75,圖版B26,也見伍嘉恩,《明式家具二十年經眼錄》,北京,
Vol. II, p.75, fig. B26., now in the MQJ Collection, illustrated by Grace Wu 2010年,20至21頁(圖一)。與本品相比,王世襄所錄一例束腰更窄,並以五
Bruce in Two Decades of Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2010, p. 20-21 (fig. 1). 條鼓腿立於球足之上。一件稍小的五足圓香几(61釐米高),來自Gangolf
Compared with the present xiangji, the circular incense stand published by Geis舊藏,於紐約佳士得售出,2003年9月18日,拍品55號(圖二)。相較本
Wang Shixiang has a more narrow waist and five sharply inward-curving 品,Geis舊藏之例亦採用曲度稍平的三彎腿,而足端則以外卷葉紋裝飾。
legs resting on small ball-shaped rests. A smaller five-legged round
incense stand (61 cm high) from the Gangolf Geis Collection was sold
at Christie’s New York, 18 September 2003, lot 55 (fig. 2), and again at 本件香几五足優雅纖長,曲線平緩流暢,亦可與王世襄舊藏,現屬上海博
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 11 July 2020, lot 127. Compared with the present 物館收藏的一件三足黃花梨圓几相比較,見王世襄《明式家具欣賞》,
xiangji, the stand from the Geis collection also has five less curved cabriole 芝加哥,1986年,頁125,編號72。而與之成對的另一件香几,目前亦藏於
legs terminating in upward curling tendril and ball feet.
The elegant slender legs of less inward-curving form on the present xiangji 2017年3月16日,拍品613號(圖三)。
can also be compared to a three-legged huanghuali circular incense stand,
formerly in the collection of Wang Shixiang, illustrated in Wang Shixiang,
Classic Chinese Furniture, Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Chicago, 1986,
p. 125, no. 72, and now in the collection of the Shanghai Museum. The pair
to the incense stand in the Shanghai Museum, previously in the collection
of Marie Theresa L. Virata Collection of Asian Art was sold at Christie’s
New York, 16 March 2017, lot 613 (fig. 3).