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                                                                      CHINESE CERAMICS: A PRIVATE COLLECTION                       CHINESE CERAMICS: A PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                      A COPPER-RED-GLAZED ‘LANGYAO’ VASE                           A RARE RELIEF-DECORATED FAMILLE-VERTE
                                                                      QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD                                  ‘HUNDRED ANTIQUES’ VASE
                                                                      Height 15 in., 38 cm                                         QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD
                                                                                                                                   Height 17⅞ in., 45.5 cm
                                                                      Christie’s New York, 29th November 1990, lot 203.            PROVENANCE
                                                                      The term ‘langyao’ is derived from Lang Tingji, governor of   Marchant, London.
                                                                      Jiangxi province and supervisor of the Imperial kilns from   The Kangxi period is recognized as a time of tremendous
                                                                      1705 to 1712, who was known for reviving copper-red glazes.  technical and aesthetic innovation in the arts. The potters of
                                                                      The shape of this vase is a classic form of langyao ware.    Jingdezhen readily responded to the artistic demands of the
                                                                      Several similar examples can be found in museums and         imperial household and new markets at home and abroad.
                                                                      private collections. See a taller vase of this type in the   It is typical of the period that a familiar, respected technique
                                                                      collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated   such as applique would be revisited and refined to an
                                                                      in the Catalogue of a Special Exhibition of Ch’ing Dynasty   unprecedented degree. Previously, thick potting was required
                                                                      Monochrome Porcelains in the National Palace Museum,         to provide a stable support for the applied decoration and
                                                                      Taipei, 1981, cat. no. 1. Another example with a metal       the appliques themselves were prone to crack and shrink
                                                                      mouthrim in the collection of the Nanjing Museum, was        away from the body when cooling. The present vase evinces
                                                                      exhibited and published in Qing Imperial Porcelain of the    mastery over these technical challenges. The applied
                                                                      Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, Nanjing and Hong      decoration, each element finely detailed and enameled,
                                                                      Kong, 1995, cat. no. 1. A third example of this type was in   adheres superbly to the body, and is further enhanced by the
                                                                      the exhibition Chinese Porcelain, The S. C. Ko Tianminlou    painted decoration.
                                                                      Collection, Hong Kong, 1987, pl. 121. See also a similar vase   A similar vase, but of rouleau form, is in the Palace Museum,
                                                                      from the collection of Gerson and Judith Leiber, sold in these   Beijing and illustrated in The Complete Collection of
                                 339                                  rooms, 20th March 2018, lot 438.                             Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelains in Polychrome
                                                                                                                                   and Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong 1999, pl. 143. See also a
                                                                      $ 12,000-15,000                                              pear-shaped vase with figural relief-decoration from the Jie
                                                                                                                                   Rui Tang Collection, sold in these rooms, 20th March 2018,
                                                                                                                                   lot 329.
                                                                      清康熙   郎窰紅釉觀音尊
                                                                                                                                   $ 15,000-20,000
                                                                                                                                   清康熙   五彩浮雕博古圖瓶



                                                                      CHINESE CERAMICS: A PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                      A COPPER-RED-GLAZED BOTTLE VASE
                                                                      QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD
                                                                      Height 20½ in., 52 cm
                                                                      $ 6,000-8,000

                                                                      清康熙   紅釉長頸瓶


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