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AN APPLE-GREEN CRACKLE-GLAZED BOTTLE This sophisticated vase is remarkable not only for its
VASE beautiful apple-green color enriched by subtle crackles,
QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD but also for its elegant shape, which was less commonly
applied with such a glaze. A green color derived from copper
wood stand, Japanese wood box (4) was used as a monochrome glaze since the Xuande period
Height 7½ in., 18.8 cm (1426-35) and became popular in the Kangxi reign (1662-
1722). The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., has a
PROVENANCE collection of apple-green crackled-glazed vessels, mostly
Yamanaka & Co., Osaka, 1923. from the Widener Collection. Compare, for example, three
Eisei Bunko Museum, Tokyo. bottle vases attributed to the late 17th or early 18th century,
each with a slightly different hue of apple green, but all with
EXHIBITED a globular body, lacking the tall waisted spreading foot of the
Shina Chosen Kobijutsu Tenkan [Grand Exhibition of Ancient present piece (accession nos 1942.9.535, 1942.9.537 and
Chinese and Corean works of art], Yamanaka & Co., Osaka, 1942.9.542), illustrated in Virginia Bower et al., Decorative
Arts, Part II: Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings, Persian
1923, cat. no. 136. and Indian Rugs and Carpets. The Collections of the National
Shinkan kansei kinen tokubetsu-ten [The Special Exhibition in
memory of the new building], Kyoto National Museum, Kyoto, Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue, Washington, D.C., 1998,
1966, cat. no. 303. pls 108-110. See also a bottle vase attributed to the Kangxi
period, with a darker glaze than the present lot, formerly
in the collection of Benjamin Altman, now preserved in
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (accession no.
Sekai toji zenshu [Ceramic Art of the World], vol. 12, Tokyo, 14.40.346).
1956, pl.52.
Toki Zenshu - Shinsho no Kanyo [Ceramic Library - Official ⊖ $ 60,000-80,000
Wares of the Qing Dynasty], vol. 16, Tokyo, 1958, col. pl. 11.
Toji Taikei Shin-no-kanyo [Compendium of Ceramics. 46.
Imperial porcelain in Qing Dynasty], Tokyo, 1973, pl. 8. 清康熙 蘋果綠釉長頸瓶
Toki koza - Chugoku [Ceramic Course - China], vol. 12, Tokyo,
1975, pl. 29. 來源
Chugoku no toji [Ceramic Art of the World], vol. 11, Tokyo, 山中商會,大阪,1923年
1996, col. pl. 23.
《新館完成 紀念特別展覽会图版目錄》,京都国立
《陶器全集 清朝の官窯》,卷16,東京,1958年,
《陶磁大系 清の官窯》,卷46,東京,1973年,圖8
《陶器講座 中国》,卷12,東京,1975年,圖29
《中國の陶磁 清の官窯》,卷11,東京,1996年,
The present lot illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu
[Ceramic Art of the World], vol. 12, Tokyo, 1956,
pl. 52.