Page 112 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 112

Built in the 45th year of the Qianlong reign (in accordance   玉冊青玉質,共四片,均填金。首頁刻雙龍,並題
           with 1780), Jiede Tang (literally: The Hall without   「御製戒得堂記」,末頁刻單龍騰躍於江涯海水之
           Covetousness) was used by the Qianlong Emperor as his   上。玉片嵌於黃緞邊框,配紫檀木匣,匣面長方框內
           personal study. His grandfather, the Kangxi Emperor often   書「御製戒得堂記」。
           used his Jie Zhi Zai De (‘To Guard Against Covetousness’)
           seal in this hall, which was located on the left hand side
           of the Qingshu (‘Clear Comfort’) Mountain House in the   戒得堂,建於乾隆四十五年(1780年),乾隆八十歲
           Rehe Imperial Summer Retreat. Qianlong named the hall   後讀書之所。位於熱河避暑山莊清舒山館左側,乾隆
           Jiede Tang in memory of his grandfather. The name Jiede   緬懷聖祖「戒之在得」之訓,故名。戒得堂源自孔子
           originated from Confucius’s advice to guard against desires   「三戒」之論:少時,血氣未定,戒之在色;及其壯
           in three stages of life.                  也,血氣方剛,戒之在斗;及其老也,血氣既衰,戒
           According to Confucius, in youth, physical powers are not   之在得。由此堂之命名,表現了乾隆帝仰體康熙「戒
           yet settled, so one must guard against lust; when he is   之在得」之訓的意思,及自我鞭策、自我警勵的意
           strong, his physical powers are vigorous, so one must guards   願。聖祖「戒之在得」之遺訓,乾隆帝不但警示自
           against quarrelsomeness; when he is old, his physical powers   已,並告戒後人不可貪得無厭,「以闡皇祖之義」。
           have declined, and he must guard against covetousness. The
           name of this hall reflects the Qianlong Emperor’s respect for   乾隆帝愛玉,他認為紙壽千年,而集天地精華的玉石
           the Kangxi Emperor’s advice to guard against covetousness,   則永不敗毀,他將重要的書法、古畫刻於玉;將重要
           and acted as a reminder for himself of such a principle, both   的法貼、佛經及文獻,製成玉冊,留傳百世。
           for himself as well as his successors.
           The Qianlong Emperor favoured jade as he believed that   據《清宮內務府活計檔》記載,乾隆四十七年各作承
           paper only lasted for a thousand years but a piece of jade   辦活計清冊,造辦處活計庫,十一月:
           would last forever. He had important calligraphy and ancient   二十日員外郎五德催長大達色等,將蘇州送到刻戒得
           paintings incised onto jades, and important calligraphy by
           the great masters, Buddhist scriptures and writings were   堂玉冊頁一分……覽奉。
           incised onto jades, which were then made into albums that   旨玉冊頁交董誥填金配紫檀木拉道填金匣……欽此。
           would be passed on to future generations.  於四十八年五月初一將刻戒得堂玉冊頁一分配得紫檀
           According to the Qinggong Neiwufu Zaobanchu Huoji Dang
           [Qing Palace Household Department Workshop Crafts   殿刻簽子得時代往熱河,欽此。
           Archives], various workshops were ordered to produce   (於五月二十二日催長常存將戒得堂玉冊一分隨匣送
           inventories in the 47th year of the Qianlong reign. The   往熱河訖。)
           imperial workshop recorded that on the 20th day of the 11th
           month, “a jade album inscribed with a Jiede Tang mark sent   乾隆帝是偉大的收藏家,其藝術品收藏貫穿古今中
           from Suzhou was presented by Vice Director Wu De and   外,蘊含著帝王品味的傳承。他的收藏及品味,可謂
           official Da Dase et al. A jade album was given to Dong Gao for   「前無古人,後無來者」,讓後人籍他的收藏得以一
           gilt-inscription and to make a zitan box with a sliding cover   窺乾隆朝的興盛輝煌,他的為君之道及其審美情趣及
           ornamented in gold. On the 1st day of the 5th month in the
           48th year, a jade album inscribed with a Jiede Tang mark,   藝術修養。
           placed within a zitan box with a sliding cover ornamented
           in gold was given to the eunich Eluli to be presented. It was
           thus sent to the Maoqin Dian (Hall of Merit and Diligence)
           to be inscribed and labelled, then once completed to be
           transferred to Rehe, by imperial decree (on the 22th day of
           the 5th month, official Chang Cun completed the transfer of
           the Jiede Tang jade album with box to Rehe).
           A great art connoisseur whose collection spanned across the
           past and present, the Qianlong Emperor played an important
           role in shaping the imperial taste. His collection and taste
           was both unprecedented and unmatched by successors,
           offering a glimpse of the prosperity and glamour of his long
           reign, his approach as the ruler, his aesthetic preferences
           and enjoyment of the arts.
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