Page 116 - Scholarly Works of Art Hong Kong Sothebys March 3 2019
P. 116


           A RARE PAIR OF ZITAN ‘BOY AND ELEPHANT’   清乾隆   紫檀雕太平有象燭臺一對
           each well carved in mirror image of the other, depicting
           a cherubic boy kneeling atop a recumbent elephant with
           arms wrapped around an archaistic gu vessel, gnarled
           branches bearing lingzhi blooms issuing from the vessel
           and surmounted by a cylindrical pin for securing a metal
           plate, the boy further rendered with a cheerful expression
           and dressed in loose robes, the elephant naturalistically
           accentuated with folds of wrinkles and portrayed with the
           head turned backwards, all supported on a stand with a
           lobed apron and carved with scrollwork
           32 and 32.3 cm, 12⅝and 12¾ in.

           HK$ 600,000-800,000
           US$ 76,500-102,000

           In their naturalistic and sculptural representation, these   此對紫檀燭臺,選料上成,雕琢精細,造形吉祥,為
           sumptuous candlesticks are archetypal objects satisfying   難得的乾隆期文房陳設。工匠刀法嫻熟,邊角圓亮,
           the lavish and extravagant aesthetics popular during the   臥象上童子跪於象背,手抱花瓶,憨態可掬,瓶內滿
           Qianlong reign. The present zitan candlesticks appear to be   插靈芝,像徵太平如意的美好意願。傳世品中未見他
           unique and no other identical examples seem to be recorded.
           Conceivably due to the nature of the material, extant zitan
           candlesticks are extremely rare, although bronze and   據史料記載,清代所用之紫檀料多為前朝遺存,亦有
           cloisonné enamel figural candlesticks are known. See a   採自民間,甚為珍貴。瓷器、琺瑯及金屬燭臺常見,
           cloisonné enamel figure of a kneeling foreigner depicted   紫檀燭臺廖若辰星。清宮舊藏一件清初掐絲琺瑯胡人
           holding a vessel forming a lamp stand, attributed to the early
           Qing dynasty, from the Qing court collection, preserved in   捧瓶地燈,錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.金
           the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete   屬胎琺瑯器》,香港,2002年,圖版92。一對掐絲琺
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Metal-  瑯胡人燭臺售倫敦佳士得2011年11月8日,編號68;
           bodied Enamel Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, pl. 92; a pair of   一對早期銅燭臺,原為紐約Caramoor音樂藝術中心舊
           cloisonné ‘foreigner’ candlesticks sold at Christie’s London,   蓄,曾於紐約蘇富比2016年3月15日拍賣,編號148。
           8th November 2011, lot 68; and a pair of earlier bronze
           candlesticks in the form of foreigners carrying drip pans,   清朝以降,每逢皇帝萬壽慶典,儀仗中總見背著瓶的
           from the collection of Caramoor Centre for Music and the   大象,寓太平有象之意。瓶中所插靈芝,象徵長壽,
           Arts, offered at our New York rooms, 15th March 2016, lot   為乾隆朝常用的裝飾紋樣。見一乾隆御製嵌寶太平有
           During the Qing dynasty, real elephants carrying vases
           on their backs appeared in processions celebrating the   相傳雍正帝喜歡大象,造辦處為他製造了一尊「太平
           emperor’s birthday. The combination of elephant and vase   有象」,他見後龍顏大悅,手撫著大象的耳朵說:「
           forms a pun for ‘peaceful times’ (taiping youxiang), and is
           symbolic of a peaceful kingdom. The depiction of lingzhi   太平有象太平有象,這才最合朕的心意。」
           growing from the vase on these candlesticks would also have
           connotation of wishes for longevity, which further enhances
           the auspicious allegory of the piece. Such depictions are
           popular amongst many art forms especially during the
           Qianlong period, including an imperial jewelled elephant
           clock sold in these rooms, 8th April 2007, lot 517.

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