Page 50 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 50

Located in central Jiangxi province, the Jizhou kilns were perhaps the       吉州窯位於今江西省吉安縣、永和縣交界處,始燒於晚唐而盛於宋代,於
most daring, versatile and technically creative kilns of the Song dynasty.   南宋時達到巔峰,為宋代江南著名的民窯之一。吉州窯出產器型及釉色種
Although they produced a wide variety of wares, including northern-          類繁多,其中以黑褐釉器最為著名。
style white stonewares with molded and slip-painted designs, the kilns are
perhaps most renowned for their innovative technique of using openwork       江西吉州窯所燒黑褐釉器裝飾非常多元,為各窯之冠。該窯首創剪紙貼花
paper cutouts as stencils to create resist designs. For a discussion of the  裝飾,其技法為先施黑釉,再將以剪紙呈現的鸞鳳,花卉,吉祥文字等紋
processes involved in producing tortoiseshell glazes and designs using       飾貼在黑釉上,再施一層灰釉,致使有紙片紋飾處之釉被隔絕,燒製時就
paper cut-outs, see R. D. Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge    形成了獨具特色的剪紙紋,整體大方活潑,極具特色。
Feathers - Chinese Brown-and Black-glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Cambridge,
1996, pp. 36-7.                                                              此瓶來源亦為安宅收藏。來源顯赫,加上此類吉州窯剪紙貼花長頸瓶十分
It is exceptionally rare to fnd a Jizhou vase of this shape with paper-cut
design of two phoenixes. Paper-cut designs of phoenixes are more often
found on bowls, such as the example from the Falk Collection illustrated
by R. D. Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers - Chinese
Brown-and Black-glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Cambridge, 1996, p. 243,
no. 97, and subsequently sold in at Christie’s New York, 16 October, lot
92, or decorating brownish-black-glazed ovoid vases such as the example
in the Harvard Art Museums illustrated ibid., pp. 253-4, no. 103, where
the phoenixes are reserved in the biscuit and the details are picked out in
black slip. Also of particular note is the extraordinarily well-preserved,
lustrous glaze of the current vase which is accented by subtle milky blue
streaks that concentrate in speckles on the wings of the two phoenixes.

Fenghuang (phoenix) is a combination of characters for the male and
female animal, and thus the two phoenixes can be seen as representing
a married couple and symbolizing marital felicity. The phoenix also
symbolizes the qualities of virtue, duty, correct behavior, reliability and
humanity, all ideal attributes for a wife. In legends, the phoenix not only
represents the ruler but is seen only in times of peace. Depicted among
other birds on paintings and works of art, the phoenix symbolizes the
ruler in harmony with his offcials.

The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)                         48
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