Page 88 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 88


北 A RARE PURPLE-SPLASHED JUN DISH                                           北宋/金 鈞窯天青釉紫斑盤
 /                                                                          鈞瓷造型獨特、釉色奇幻,是宋瓷中最引人入勝的品種,與定窯、
金                                                                           汝窯、官窯、哥窯齊名,合稱宋代五大名窯。宋金時期鈞窯窯址集
   The dish is potted with shallow rounded sides rising to an everted       禹縣神垕鎮鈞台窯這一典型窯址來命名。鈞窯的一大貢獻為紫紅斑
鈞  lipped rim, and is covered overall with a pale sky-blue glaze            斑之中,往往出現自然的顏色變化,最明顯的是其中出現的小片綠
   decorated on the interior with deep purple splashes and thinning         色。這些綠斑是由於高濃度銅積聚,冷却時二次氧化而成的,這為
窯 to a mushroom color on the raised section of the rims. The slightly       艷麗奇幻的紫紅斑添加了生動的意趣。

   recessed base has three spur marks.                                      內外皆施紫斑的鈞窯盤是鈞窯中難得的名品。近似的鈞窯盤可參
澱 7 in. (17.8 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box                                 集《兩宋瓷器(上)》,編號226及230;2012年11月28日於香
青                                             £31,000-45,000                年11月《Principal wares of the Song period from a private
釉 $40,000-60,000                        HK$310,000-460,000                  collection》展售一例,編號17。

紫  Jun wares were produced at various kiln sites in Henan province
   and two of the main centers of production were in the modern-

斑 day cities of Yuzhou and Ruzhou. Jun has been classifed by
   later connoisseurs as one of the ‘Five Great Wares of the Song
盤  Dynasty’ and is celebrated for its bold forms, sophisticated glazes

   and innovative use of color. The dramatic use of purple and red

   decoration is one of the major innovations of the Jun kilns. Purple

   splashes, like those seen on the present dish, were produced by the

   addition of copper oxide to the surface of the unfred glaze. In

   areas where the concentration of copper is high enough for it to

   re-oxidize superfcially on cooling, the color sometimes

   turns green.

   Jun dishes with splashes on both the interior and exterior are
   very rare and highly sought after. Examples of similar Jun dishes
   include two in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The
   Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain of the
   Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, nos. 226 and 230; one sold
   at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2276; and one
   exhibited at Eskenazi Ltd., London, Principal wares of the Song period
   from a private collection, 8-29 November 2015, no. 17.


The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)                                 86
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