Page 86 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 86
北 A SMALL JUN ‘BUBBLE’ BOWL 北宋/金 鈞窯天青釉小盌
宋 NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY, 12TH CENTURY 盌微斂口,圓弧腹,圈足,通體施天藍釉,釉質肥厚。
/ 釉小盌,2015年10月6日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品104號。
The bowl has rounded sides rising to a slightly incurved rim, from
鈞 the short, unglazed foot, and is covered with a thick, crackled glaze
of sky-blue tone, thinning to mushroom on the rim.
2æ in. (9 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box
澱 $15,000-25,000 £12,000-19,000
青 HK$120,000-190,000
釉 With its round sides and slightly inverted rim, this simple,
碗 yet refned bowl represents one of the classic Jun ware shapes,
the ‘bubble bowl’. The name is derived from the illusion of a
soapy bubble that appears on the interior when viewed at a
certain vantage.
A very similar Jun ‘bubble bowl’ was sold at Christie’s Hong
Kong, 6 October 2015, lot 104. An example with purple splash-
decoration, also from the Linyushanren Collection, was sold at
Christie’s Hong Kong, 2 December 2015, lot 2808.
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二) 84