Page 82 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 82


南 A LONGQUAN CELADON DISH                                                   南宋 龍泉窯青釉折沿盤


泉 The elegant dish is potted with shallow rounded sides rising to a         來源
   fat, everted rim with raised outer edge, and is covered overall with     Maria Worthington珍藏,維也納,弗吉尼亞州。
窯  a thick glaze of even sea-green tone, the unglazed foot rim burnt        Robert E. Barron三世(1929-2007)珍藏,新奧爾良,路易斯安那

   orange in the fring.                                                     州,購於1968年7月; 紐約佳士得,2005年3月30日,拍品314號。

青  8¡ in. (21.3 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box                               千秋庭,東京。
磁                                                                           展覽

盤 $10,000-15,000                                      £7,600-11,000         Huntsville美術館,阿拉巴馬,《Art of China and Japan》,1977年。
                                                                            新奧爾良美術館,《Heaven and Earth Seen Within》,新奧爾良美

   PROVENANCE                                                               術館,2000年3月4日至5月18日;肯塔基州萊辛頓 Headley- Whitney
   Maria Worthington, Vienna, Virginia.                                     美術館,2000年6月29日至8月24日;俄亥俄州辛辛那提塔夫特美術
   The Robert E. Barron III (1929-2007) Collection, New Orleans,            館,2000年12月8日至2001年2月19日;威斯康辛州立大學麥迪遜分校
   Louisiana, acquired in July 1968; Christie’s New York, 30 March          Elvehjem 美術館,2001年3月9日至5月13日。
   2005, lot 314.                                                           根津美術館,東京,《南宋の青磁》,2010年10月9日至11月14日。

   Sen Shu Tey, Tokyo.                                                      著錄

   EXHIBITED                                                                L. Rotondo-McCord及R. D. Mowry,《Heaven and Earth Seen
   Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama, Art of China and Japan, 1977.         Within: Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection》, 新奧
   The New Orleans Museum of Art, Heaven and Earth Seen Within:             爾良,2000年,132-33頁,編號51。
   Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection, 4 March to 18 May       根津美術館,《南宋の青磁》,東京,2010,68頁,編號41。

   2000; The Headley-Whitney Museum, Kentucky, 29 June to

   August 24, 2000; The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 December

   2000 to 19 Feburary 2001; The Elvehjem Museum, University of

   Wisconsin, Madison, 9 March to 13 May 2001.

   Nezu Museum, Tokyo, Heavenly Blue: Southern Song Celadons, 2010.

   L. Rotondo-McCord and R. D. Mowry, Heaven and Earth Seen
   Within: Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection, New Orleans,
   2000, pp. 132-33, no. 51.
   Nezu Museum, Heavenly Blue: Southern Song Celadons, Tokyo, 2010,
   p. 68, no. 41.

   The simple and elegant shape of this handsome dish provides an
   excellent canvas for the even, thick, blue-green glaze, which was
   achieved by applying the glaze in several layers.

   Dishes of similar shape and proportions have been excavated from
   the Longquan kiln site at Dayao. See Longquan Qingci Yanjiu,
   Beijing, 1989, p. 56, fg. 10:1. Other similar examples include
   one formerly in the Hirota Collection, and now in the Tokyo
   National Museum, included in Illustrated Catalogue of the Tokyo
   National Museum, Chinese Ceramics, vol. 1, p. 130, no. 522, and
   a further example in the Percival David Collection, included in
   Illustrated Catalogue of Celadon Wares in the Percival David Foundation
   of Chinese Art, London, rev. ed., 1997, no. 213.

The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)                                     80
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