Page 78 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 78




泉 The brush washer is well potted with the lower body faring               來源
   outward from the thin foot ring before rising vertically to the broad,  F. Brodie Lodge伉儷珍藏; 倫敦蘇富比,1988年6月7日,拍品175號。
窯  fat, everted rim. It is covered overall with a fne glaze of soft blue-  Robert E. Barron三世(1929-2007)珍藏,新奧爾良,路易斯安那州;
                                                                           紐約佳士得, 2005年3月30日,拍品315號。
   green tone, with the exception of the foot. There is a small area of
青 gold lacquer on the mouth rim.                                           倫敦東方陶瓷學會, 《The Arts of Sung Dynasty》,1960年。
                                                                           新奧爾良美術館,《Heaven and Earth Seen Within》,新奧爾良美
磁 5æ in. (14.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box                               術館,2000年3月4日至5月18日;肯塔基州萊辛頓 Headley-Whitney
洗                                         £380,000-530,000                 館,2000年12月8日至2001年2月19日;威斯康辛州立大學麥迪遜分校
                                  HK$3,900,000-5,400,000                   Elvehjem 美術館,2001年3月9日至5月13日。
          $500,000-700,000                                                 千秋庭,東京,《創立10周年記念展覽會》,2006年。
   PROVENANCE                                                              22至27日;紐約,2013年3月15至20日;倫敦,2013年5月10至14日。
   The Mr. and Mrs. F. Brodie Lodge Collection; Sotheby’s London,
   7 June 1988, lot 175.                                                   著錄
   The Robert E. Barron III (1929-2007) Collection, New Orleans,           G. St. G.M. Gompertz著, 《Celadon Wares》,倫敦,1968年,
   Louisiana; Christie’s New York, 30 March 2005, lot 315.                 編號14B。
   Sen Shu Tey, Tokyo.                                                     L. Rotondo-McCord及R. D. Mowry,《Heaven and Earth Seen
                                                                           Within: Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection》, 新奧
   EXHIBITED                                                               爾良,2000年,134-35頁,編號52。
   The Oriental Ceramic Society, London, The Arts of the Sung              L. Rotondo-McCord著, ‘Song and Jin Period Ceramics from
   Dynasty, 1960.                                                          the Collection of Dr. Robert Barron’, 載於 S. Pierson 編《Song
   The New Orleans Museum of Art, Heaven and Earth Seen Within:            Ceramics: Art History, Archaeology and Technology, Colloquies on
   Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection, 4 March to 18 May      Art and Archaeology in Asian 》, 倫敦,2003年, 編號22,
   2000; The Headley-Whitney Museum, Kentucky, 29 June to                  57頁, 圖16, 彩圖13。
   August 24, 2000; The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 December          千秋庭,《中國美術蒐集》,東京,2006年,58頁,編號69。
   2000 to19 Feburary 2001; The Elvehjem Museum, University of             佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012年,168-
   Wisconsin, Madison, 9 March to 13 May 2001.                             69頁,編號69。
   Sen Shu Tey, The Collection of Chinese Art - Special Exhibition ‘Run
   Through 10 Years’, Tokyo, 2006.
   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of
   Song Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, no. 69, Hong Kong,
   22 to 27 November 2012, New York, 15 to 20 March 2013;
   London, 10 to 14 May 2013.

   G. St. G.M. Gompertz, Celadon Wares, London, 1968, no. 14B.
   L. Rotondo-McCord and R. D. Mowry, Heaven and Earth Seen
   Within: Song Ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection, New Orleans,
   2000, pp. 134-35, no. 52.
   L. Rotondo-McCord, ‘Song and Jin Period Ceramics from the
   Collection of Dr. Robert Barron’, Song Ceramics: Art History,
   Archaeology and Technology, Colloquies on Art and Archaeology
   in Asia, ed. no. 22. S. Pierson, University of London, Percival David
   Foundation of Chinese Art, London, June 2003, p. 57, fg. 16,
   col. pl. 13.
   Sen Shu Tey, The Collection of Chinese Art - Special Exhibition ‘Run
   Through 10 Years’, Tokyo, 2006, p. 58, no. 69.
   Christie’s, The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song
   Treasures from the Linyushanren Collection, Hong Kong, 2012,
   pp. 168-169, no. 69.

   The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)                    Fig. 1 A Longquan brush washer depicted in an album leaf from  76
                                                                           Refned Ceramics of Collected Antiquity, Qianlong period.
                                                                           The Collection of National Palace Museum.

                                                                           圖一 清乾隆《精陶韞古》冊頁中描繪之一件龍泉洗,國立故宮博物院藏品。
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