Page 247 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 247
Elegantly painted with birds in blossoming trees reminiscent 本品花盆,五彩精繪,所繪花鳥仿若畫譜所出,而筆法圓
of that found in albums and paintings, this jardinière is a fine 熟,當屬清代瓷器至臻完善之珍品。花盆只能模造而不能
example of the mature style of Kangxi imperial porcelain.
The large vessel has been formed in a mould, rather than 拉坯,如此燒成之作,形制和諧相宜,而此品碩大,更顯
thrown on a wheel, to great success: the technical feat of 匠人鬼斧天成。此類花盆多成對製,如本品盆身四方,倭
successfully creating a precise and harmonious form of this 角圈足者,於同類品器中尤屬珍罕。有與本品成對者,現
size is remarkable. Jardinières of this type appear to have been 藏台北故宮博物院,錄於《世界陶磁全集》,卷15,東
made in pairs, of which large square-section planters with
京,1983年,圖版 5及6。亦有一類例,所繪花鳥稍有不
canted corners and a continuous waisted foot, as seen here,
are the rarest of the formulations. For the companion to the
present piece, see one in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 院藏文物珍品全集.五彩.鬪彩》,香港,1999年,編
illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu / Ceramic Art of the World, vol. 號95。
15, Tokyo, 1983, pls 5 and 6. A further jardinière of this type,
with a slightly varied rendering of the bird and flower theme, 林業強所述,本品花盆屬康熙後期,應為準備康熙帝於
from the Qing court collection and still in Beijing, is published 1723年之七十萬壽慶典而製(林業強,〈Lang Tingji and
in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
the Porcelain of the Late Kangxi Period〉,《東方陶瓷
Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, Hong Kong,
1999, no. 95.
Peter Y.K. Lam, in ‘Lang Tingji and the Porcelain of the Late
Kangxi Period’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society,
vol. 68, 2003-2004, p. 44, suggests that these jardinières 六十萬壽慶典圖及乾隆八十萬壽慶典圖,錄於《盛世華
were produced in the latter years of the Kangxi reign, possibly 章》,皇家藝術研究院,倫敦,2005年,編號25及26。
commissioned for the Emperor’s 70th birthday, which would
have occurred in 1723. Paintings of Qing imperial birthdays 據林業強研究發現,康熙年款中「清」字「月」內一
illustrate the display of jardinières, antiquities, and artworks 豎一橫(淸)之寫法,應始於1713-1722年之間(林業
as part of the opulent celebrations, which suggests that
強,〈Lang Tingji and the Porcelain of the Late Kangxi
this group of imperially marked jardinières would have been
filled with appropriate plants and placed on view for guests
to admire during the festivities. For paintings illustrating the 法書寫,更證其燒製年份為康熙後期。
Kangxi Emperor’s 60th birthday celebration and the Qianlong
Emperor’s 70th birthday celebrations, see two included in 此類康熙花盆皆尺寸碩大,多方器形,兩側口沿下書六
the exhibition China: The Three Emperors, 1662-1795, Royal 字青花橫款。可參考另一康熙類例,尺寸相同,繪花鳥
Academy of Arts, London, 2005, cat. nos 25 and 26. 圖,1996年9月19日售於紐約佳士得,編號287。亦有一
According to Lam, the style of the reign marks on the jardinière 八方花盆,繪仙女祝壽圖,2007年5月15日售於倫敦佳
also point to a date late in the Kangxi Emperor’s reign. His 士得,編號282,入潔蕊堂所藏,再於2018年3月20日售
research indicates that between 1713 and 1722, artisans began 於紐約蘇富比,編號367;另一菱花式花盆例,折沿,為
writing ‘Qing’ with a vertical interior stroke in the ‘moon’
radical (Peter Y. K. Lam, ‘Lang Tingji and the Porcelain of the
Late Kangxi Period’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic 鬪彩》,同上,編號192。亦可較一六方花盆例,繪花鳥
Society, vol. 68, 2003-2004, p. 44). This is precisely the style 圖,折沿,下繪四如意雲頭,墨書康熙年款,兩度售於倫
of reign mark that occurs on the present jardinière and others
of its type.
Imperial Kangxi jardinières of this group share a number of
features including the impressive size, faceted bodies and six-
character reign marks on the underside of the rim. A closely
related Kangxi-marked jardinière of this size, also decorated
with birds among bamboo, was sold at Christie’s New York,
19th September 1996, lot 287. A jardinière of this form, but
decorated with Xiwangmu on one side and attendants on the
other sides, was sold at Christie’s London, 15th May 2007,
lot 282, and again in our New York rooms, 20th March 2018,
lot 367, from the Jie Rui Tang collection; and another, but of
elongated hexagonal form and bracket-lobed rim, from the
Qing Court collection, is included in The Complete Collection of
Treasures of the Palace Museum. Porcelains in Polychrome and
Contrasting Colours, op. cit., no. 192. Compare also a bird and
flower decorated jardinière of hexagonal form, but with shaped
rim and raised on four ruyi-form legs, the Kangxi reign mark in
black enamel, sold twice at Christie’s London, 19th April 1983,
lot 357, and 12th November 2002, lot 72.