Page 252 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 252


           A RARE RUBY-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE           清嘉慶    胭脂紫地粉彩九秋同慶小盌
           ‘FLORAL’ BOWL                                   《大清嘉慶年製》款
           delicately potted with rounded sides rising from a short foot,   香港蘇富比1991年10月29日,編號285
           finely enamelled around the exterior with a lush variety of   香港蘇富比2013年10月8日,編號3123
           flower sprays clustered around the narrow footring or arching
           below the rim, including peony, hibiscus, lily, chrysanthemum,
           camellia, and aster, all reserved on a ruby-red ground of deep
           crushed raspberry tone, the interior and base reserved in
           white, the base further inscribed in underglaze blue with a six-
           character seal mark
           9.2 cm, 3⅝ in.
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 29th October 1991, lot 285.
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th October 2013, lot 3123.

           HK$ 900,000-1,200,000
           US$ 115,000-153,000
           A pair of bowls of this type was sold in these rooms,
           20th November 1984, lot 412, one now in the Weishaupt
           collection, illustrated in Gunhild Avitabile, From the Dragon’s
           Treasure, London, 1987, pl. 26, and the other now in the
           Gruterich collection included in the exhibition Chinesische
           Keramik. Meisterwerke aus Privatsammlungen, Museum für
           Ostasiatische Kunst, Cologne, 1988, cat. no. 139; another pair
           was sold in these rooms, 30th April 1991, lot 110; and a single
           bowl was sold in our London rooms, 12th December 1989, lot
           For the prototype of the decoration, see a Yongzheng ruby-
           ground bowl in the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, illustrated in
           Chugoku tōji zenshū [Complete works on Chinese ceramics],
           vol. 21, Kyoto, 1981, pl. 105; a slightly smaller example with
           a Yongzheng yuzhi mark, in the British Museum, London,
           published in Hugh Moss, By Imperial Command, Hong Kong,
           1976, pl. 5.


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