Page 302 - 2018 Hong Kong Important Chieese Art
P. 302

This superb sculpture of a crowned Buddha Shakyamuni is   釋迦牟尼佛坐像,光燦輝耀,威嚴尊貴,展現中世紀時,
           a testament to the powerful legacy of the Newari aesthetic   自尼泊爾傳入的內瓦爾造像風格。本像鎏金厚實,造形雄
           imported into Tibet from the Kathmandu Valley in the medieval   闊有力,華冠纓絡雅緻,細節精確俐落,佛面供施泥金,
           period. Displaying tremendous power and presence, this figure
           demonstrates the marriage of classical Nepalese and Tibetan
           sculptural elements in its luxuriant gilding, elegant beading and   釋迦牟尼佛作觸地印,象徵修行成道之刻。本像寬額、髮
           engraving, the cold gilding of the face and use of polychromy,
           and delicate use of inlay of semi-precious stones.  際線直、肉髻圓尖鎏金、白毫嵌寶、短頸、肩背寬厚,上
           This powerful and iconic bronze depicting Buddha Shakyamuni
           in the earth-touching gesture or bhumisparsha mudra recalls
           the moment of his Enlightenment, in which he called upon
           the earth as his witness. The Nepalese influence is strongly
           demonstrated in the wide forehead with straight hairline, the   希.馮.施羅德,《西藏佛教雕塑》,卷2,香港,2001
           gilt domed ushnisha, inlaid urna, the short neck, the broad and   年,頁962-3,編號231A、231C。
           muscular shoulders with torso narrowing to a defined waist.
           Compare the elegant hem, drape and twist of the Buddha’s
           sanghati along the upper arm and body with left shoulder
           exposed, with fourteenth century bronzes from the Nepalese
           school in Tibet, see. Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures
           in Tibet, vol. II, Hong Kong, 2001, pp. 962-3, figs 231A and

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