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The State-of-the-art          NDigitec has opened the doors                                                                                                             artificial intelligence,
                                        of its first large-scale                                                                                                                   augmented reality, machine
          Headquarters Is               headquarters and factory in                                                                                                               learning, and big data
                                        Dubai Production City, as part of                                                                                                         analytics.”
          Ready To Welcome              a two-stage construction

          Employees, Partners,          project, following the rapid                                                                                                              In 2016, NDigitec acquired a
                                        expansion of the company in the                                                                                                           110,000 sq.ft, plot of industrial
          And Clients                   UAE.                                                                                                                                      land to build its new facility. The
                                                                                                                                                                                  intention was to bring all five of
                                        The ceremony took place on                                                                                                                its divisions / competencies –
                                        February 22. The president of                                                                                                             Prepress, Premedia, Digiprint,
                                        Nesma Holding, Faisal Saleh                                                                                                               Fabrication, and
                                        Alturki, and Managing Director                                                                                                            – under one roof.
                                        of Media Clusters of TECOM,
                                        Majed Al Suwaidi, inaugurated                                                                                                             NDigitec’s new headquarters                                                                                                                   confidence in Dubai’s
                                        the facility. With their help, the                                                                                                        includes more than 50,000 sq.ft                                                                                                               ever-changing media
                                        new headquarters is now ready                                                                                                             of built-up area, comprising                                                                                                                  landscape.”
                                        to welcome its employees,                                                                                                                 office spaces, a mezzanine, and
                                        partners, and clients.                                                                                                                    a production area equipped                                                                                                                    Acknowledging the innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                  with the latest industry’s                                                                                                                    potential of NDigitec, he
                                        During the opening ceremony,                                                                                                              technology.                                                                                                                                   continued, “The cutting-edge
                                        the co-founder & CEO of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 printing complex built in Dubai
                                        NDigitec, Vatche Kavlakian,                                                                                                               The second phase of its                                                                                                                       Production City is an exciting
                                        presented the new facility to the                                                                                                         expansion will see the addition                                                                                                               addition to our business
                                        guests and shared the                                                                                                                     of 30,000 sq.ft of a built-up area                                                                                                            community of more than 255
                                        company’s vision for the                                                                                                                  that will provide additional                                                                                                                  companies & 6,000 people.”
                                        upcoming years. After the tour,                                                                                                           services and capabilities for
                                        he granted special awards to                                                                                                              further vertical and horizontal                                                                                                               The new headquarters will allow
                                        those who have been crucial to                                                                                                            expansions.                                                                                                                                   NDigitec to tackle new, even
                                        in the decades-long success of   three years.                 He continued, “This non-stop                                                Majed Al Suwaidi, Managing                                                                                                                    more ambitious projects,
                                        the company.                                                  growth gave us the confidence                                                Director of Dubai Production                                                                                                                  creating more opportunities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and elevating the quality of
                                        The opening of the             He said, “We have achieved     to launch our expansion                                                     City, added: “Dubai is an                                                                                                                     production in Dubai. Staying
                                        state-of-the-art facility has   incredible growth since we    strategy and build the region’s                                             international business hub that                                                                                                               true to its core mission — ‘A
                                        marked an important milestone   established our presence in   largest single-site pre-press                                               has attracted thousands of                                                                                                                    promise is a promise’ — the
                                        in the company’s history. As part   Dubai Production City, and our   factory and digital printing                                         media professionals from                                                                                                                      company will continue providing
                                        of its expansion, NDigitec will   headcount has increased from   facility to accommodate our                                              around the world to the UAE,                                                                                                                  superior quality services,
                                        not only embark on new         five to more than 100 people    growing team, increase our                                                  and the expansion of our                                                                                                                      revolving around its customers’
                                        projects but also create dozens   during this time”.          market share, and prepare us                                                business partner NDigitec                                                                                                                     needs.
      2                                 of new jobs within the next                                   for the future as we embrace                                                highlights the private sector’s
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