Page 7 - Updates special Final LR
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NDigitec has opened the doors
artificial intelligence,
of its first large-scale
augmented reality, machine
headquarters and factory in
learning, and big data
Dubai Production City, as part of
a two-stage construction
In 2016, NDigitec acquired a
project, following the rapid
110,000 sq.ft, plot of industrial
expansion of the company in the
land to build its new facility. The
intention was to bring all five of
The ceremony took place on
its divisions / competencies –
February 22. The president of
Prepress, Premedia, Digiprint,
Nesma Holding, Faisal Saleh
Fabrication, and
Alturki, and Managing Director
– under one roof.
of Media Clusters of TECOM,
NDigitec’s new headquarters
Majed Al Suwaidi, inaugurated
includes more than 50,000 sq.ft
the facility. With their help, the
ever-changing media
of built-up area, comprising
new headquarters is now ready
office spaces, a mezzanine, and
to welcome its employees,
Acknowledging the innovative
a production area equipped
partners, and clients.
potential of NDigitec, he
with the latest industry’s
During the opening ceremony,
continued, “The cutting-edge
the co-founder & CEO of
printing complex built in Dubai
The second phase of its
NDigitec, Vatche Kavlakian,
Production City is an exciting
expansion will see the addition
presented the new facility to the
addition to our business
of 30,000 sq.ft of a built-up area
guests and shared the
community of more than 255
that will provide additional
company’s vision for the
companies & 6,000 people.”
services and capabilities for
upcoming years. After the tour,
The new headquarters will allow
further vertical and horizontal
he granted special awards to
NDigitec to tackle new, even
those who have been crucial to
more ambitious projects,
in the decades-long success of
Majed Al Suwaidi, Managing
three years.
He continued, “This non-stop
creating more opportunities,
the company.
Director of Dubai Production
growth gave us the confidence
and elevating the quality of
City, added: “Dubai is an
to launch our expansion
The opening of the
He said, “We have achieved
production in Dubai. Staying
international business hub that
strategy and build the region’s
incredible growth since we
state-of-the-art facility has
true to its core mission — ‘A
has attracted thousands of
largest single-site pre-press
established our presence in
marked an important milestone
promise is a promise’ — the
media professionals from
factory and digital printing
Dubai Production City, and our
in the company’s history. As part
company will continue providing
around the world to the UAE,
facility to accommodate our
headcount has increased from
of its expansion, NDigitec will
superior quality services,
and the expansion of our
growing team, increase our
five to more than 100 people
not only embark on new
revolving around its customers’
business partner NDigitec
market share, and prepare us
during this time”.
projects but also create dozens
highlights the private sector’s
for the future as we embrace
of new jobs within the next
Development of confidence in Dubai’s
Saudi Arabia Branch
Starting from 2009, NDigitec has
been operating in Saudi Arabia.
The company has had a chance
to bring value to its clients in the
area, establishing partnerships
with numerous companies and
NDigitec’s new target is to
expand the spectrum of
connections and draw more
attention to Saudi Arabia. Leszek
Krawczyk, the new Premedia
executive producer at NDigitec,
shared, “Our focus is on
interactive exhibitions and
museums in Saudi Arabia. These
large-scale projects will attract
global attention and help boost
tourism. It is an unprecedented
The Expansion Will Take NDIGITEC’s Competencies To Another Level opportunity to contribute to the
ambitious plans of national
NDigitec has always been Shahe Kavlakian, the Executive NDigitec will offer outstanding transformation and re-discovery
responsive to the needs of its Manager of Prepress, added, “As solutions even quicker. of Saudi Arabia’s diverse cultural
customers. Invested in part of the improvement, The company will continue heritage.”
perfecting its operations and NDigitec, will continue investing delivering superior quality
technologies, uniting the core in its one-of-a-kind automation portable displays, large format
services in one place has been and integration system — NDXC prints, and other latest digital
the logical next step for the — and continue being a pioneer press solutions to its customers
company. By working in the in the field of Prepress all over the region.
same area, the company now technologies in the region.” FYI
can cut time on production,
improve communication Fabrication
between departments, and Premedia Larger, more ambitious, and
function in sync with every The expansion has signified even more innovative •
TrinamiX develops a
project requirement. important changes in the Fabrication projects are on the skin-detection software
Ever since acquiring the land, operations of Premedia agenda of NDigitec. With the new system that would help
NDigitec has been looking competency. With the opening of facility, the company will improve smartphone
the new headquarters, the
forward to moving to a new company also welcomed on continue catering to the needs security.
workspace and the changes it board Leszek Krawczyk, the new of its customers, creating even
would bring. Uniting all the Premedia executive producer. more high-tech and tasteful • At the beginning of 2020,
competencies will allow the Together with NDigitec, he will exhibition and event stands. Motorola and Samsung have
company to introduce a chain embark on new ventures and From 3D modeling to introduced the first
of new and valuable solutions build upon the many years of installation, NDigitec is ready to folding-screen smartphones.
to meet the diverse needs of its expertise to inspire change. help its customers communicate
customers. the right message. •
Within the spectrum of the Toyota has announced
services, NDigitec also plans to that its city of the future
embrace cutting-edge solutions named Woven City, built
Prepress such as AI, AR, machine learning, near Mount Fuji in Japan, will
Prepress is one of the core and big data analytics. Being the first and pioneering not have human drivers.
competencies of NDigitec. With digital printing platform in the
the expansion, the company region, will • Expensive appointments
wants to take its performance to Digiprint continue providing outstanding to the doctors are soon to be
the next level. Top-notch quality printing services and replaced by sensors.
technologies, combined with The unification of all products from the new Withings ScanWatch
improved operations and an headquarters will allow the headquarters. sensor-based health watch
unmatched level of expertise, company to build upon the With the expansion and includes electrocardiogram
will allow the company to deliver exceptional quality of its digital relocations, will and can conduct deeper
an unseen quality of Digital printing services. With its new introduce more products, sleep analysis.
Flexo Plates and exceptional top-quality equipment and meeting the interests of both
packaging solutions. innovative operational methods, B2B and B2C sectors. 7