Page 109 - Đặc san VTLV XUÂN TÂN SỬU 2021
P. 109
Đặc San Xuân Tân Sửu VĂN THƠ LẠC VIỆT
Therefore, interminable meditation, perceiving nature, emptiness nature, the
Essence and the State of the Universe before the Big Bang, all have a linear and
closed relationship, in which the non-physiognomy is a first important factor for the
understanding and recognizing the Original Essence.
Big Bang has created a describable world as they are, then its state before the
Big Bang is the non-existence state, empty, silent is obviously reasonable. This mind
state of empty silent, non-existence itself is the: Steven Hawking's "Nothing was
around", as he responded in a Star Talk show by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse
However, and of course, Professor Hawking based his finding only on his wide
scientific knowledge, in other words, through the describable and physical, and did
not study about the non-physiognomy. Therefore, we would like to address the non-
physiognomy aspect by a summary as follows:
Before the first Big Bang, the Universe was in a state like the empty silent mind. Its
non-imaged appearance is an immense, boundless Samadhi, which can be found right in
the empty mind of each of us and in the end unit of all things.
The bliss tones (strings) released from the bliss of the universe, which are resembled
as the bliss tones in samadhi (in meditation), which can be monitored, measured by
computer on the person who is in samadhi (meditation). The two tones found and
intertwined into each other in the emptiness-mind-like Universe, resembling the
searching for bliss between two people. Big Bang bursts like bliss, like the blissful climax
and expansion throughout the bodies of the two lovers, which results after two people
search for bliss, and intertwine into each other. The combination of a male’s sperm and a
female’s egg into a multiplication of cells to become a new human (birth) carried an
image of the repetition of the Big Bang phenomenon with mutated particles intertwining
and overlapping *.
*[“Heisenberg: Werner Heisenberg won the 1932 Nobel Price in Physics:
"The world is like a complex chain of events, in which interrelated events intertwine,
they overlap and combine together, thereby determining the basis of the whole."]
Human beings themselves carry all the changes in the Universe that have evolved
from the beginning to the present, and the present man is also still changing and evolving,
4 The highest state in meditation, in which a person experiences oneness with the universe.