P. 39

Slag Import Market -Consultancy MBC-Gov. Vanuatu   Page 39 sur 76
                                                                                   Study office for multi-sectoral economic projects
                                                                                          Business Consulting and Management
                                                                                        Generalist project management assistant
                                                                                               Delegated works management
                                                                                         Project management and coordination
                                                                                 DOC.              "Conduct of operations"

                                                                                 GOVERNMENT OF THE

                                                                               REPUBLIC OF VANUATU
                                                                                             Private mail bag : 9058
                                                                                                Port Vila, VANUATU
                                                To the attention of :

                                               Ministry of Finance and    The Honorable Johnny Rasou KOANAPO (MP) :
                       Economic Management VANUATU GOVERNMENT :                      Such. : 23032 – Tel./Fax : 27937

                                                                 &                                              &

                          Ministry of infrastructure and public utilities         The Honorable Jay NGWELE (MP) :
                                          VANUATU GOVERNMENT :                        Such. : 22790 – Tel./Fax: 27714

                                                                                  Noumea on, Friday, August 5, 2022

       N/Ref. : MBC/ML/AG/2022-003
       V/Ref. : TWO (2) LOI N° 0012/0722 and an unreferenced LOI dated June 30, 2022
       Copy : BCG Company (Authorised representative of My Business Consulting SAS)

       SUBJECT : Commercial proposal for the order of 1,000KT (1,000,000 tons) of bulk slag.

                   Honorable Minister Johnny Rasou KOANAPO ,
                   Honorable Minister Jay NGWELE,

                   The Consultancy MY BUSINESS CONSULTING is above all very honored by the confidence that you have
       shown us on June 30th by the transmission of (2) two LOI - Letters of intent aimed at ordering from us an import volume
       of 1,000KT (1,000,000 tons) of bulk slag.

                   We inform you that after the analysis of your request, the Consultancy MY BUSINESS CONSULTING has all
       the logistical capacities of project management in material, matrix and human means to respond favorably and to tailor
       your request.

                   In order to carry out this major operation, the Consultancy MY BUSINESS CONSUTLING and its partner SLN
       – La Société Le Nickel coordinated the management of logistics and maritime chartering operations by strengthening a
       group of local companies, specialized in logistics, stevedoring, earthwork, mines and quarries, the metallurgical industry,
       in consultation with a specialized marine agency.
                   Through  these  studies  in  this  private  inter-regional  market  in  which  you  wish  to  entrust  us  with  the
       management of DOOR to DOOR operations, we invite you to discover in the appendix, the detail of a coordination of
       operations succinctly proposed at this stage of the negotiations.

                                       7 rue DANGE –NOUMEA - BP30506 LA BELLEVIE – 98895 NOUMEA Cédex – NEW CALEDONIA
                                  Tel : 45.45.18 – Mobile : 78.81.00 – 80.80.88 - @ :   1
                                          SAS with a capital of 1,000,000 FXPF – Ridet: 1,498,328,001
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