Page 80 - Full SuperKids 3 Student Book
P. 80

Word List

             o                         chick               -7.)  h                        n
             odd                 54    chicken          19,22   holl                58    nome                16
             odded               54    chocolote  eggs     72   Holloween           49    new                 60
             ongry               42    chopsticks          22   homster          44,58    New Yeor's Doy      49
             opple               44    Christmos  Doy      49   hondkerchief        40    noodles          19, 44
             April            28,30    clock            10,25   hos                 22    notebook            41
             ort closs           20    closed              54   hot                  t0   November            29
             August              29    cold                30   he                  22    o
             b                         comic  books        64   her                  4l
                                       computer            44   his                  41   October             29
             bodminton            t3
                                       cool                30   hir                  t6   opened              54
             boke cookies        50
                                       counted          54, 69  hockey               t3   p
             boked               54
                                       crockers            19   hot              10, 30
             boked cookies       50    cup                 t0                             poddle           44,47
             bokery        63, 66, 69                           hungry              42    point               32
             boseboll         13,32    cupcokes            75   I                         point piclures      5l
             bosebollcop         41    d                        lce creom           74    pointed             54
             boseboll ployer     34    dod                 t0   igloo                16.  pointed plctures    5l
             boseboll proctice  20     donce  closs        20   In                   t6   ponts               52
             bosket              72    December            29   it's                32    peonuts          19,66
             bosketboll           13   dig              16,25                             pen                 16
             bot                 l0    dining room         58   J                         pencil              16
             bolhroom            58    doctor              35   jocket               41   pencil cose      16,41
             bed                 16    dog                 58   Jonuory             LO    pet shop            62
             bedroom             58    dot                 t0   jelly  beons        73    phone               22
             bee                 66    drow pictures       57   judo                 t3   photo            22,25
             bell                16    drew                60   juggle           44,77    pilot               35
             big                 16    drew pictures       57   July             29,30    pin                 16
             big broiher         36    drum                t0   June             28,30    ping-pong           12
             big sister          36                                                       pizzo               lB
             bird                58    e                        k                         plone               71
             birthdoy coke       74    Eoster Bunny        -70  key                  41   plole               32
             birthdoy cord       74    eggs                72   kitchen             58    ploy          32,54,77
             blue             60, 69   elephonl            22   kites               64    ploy boseboll  14, 50
             boord gome{s)  16,64      eroser              t6                             ploy the drums      14
             book bog            41                             I                         ployed              54
             bookstore           62    t                        lel's               32    ployed boseboll  50
             boots               52    fother              44   librory          63,66    police officer      35
             bottle              44    Februory        28, 30   little brother      36    pool                60
             box                 l0    feet            66, 69   living room         5B    pot                 l0
             broiher             38    firefighter         35   lunch               22    pototo chips        19
             brush the dog       5l    fish             22,77   lunchbox            40    proctice the piono   5l
             brushed  the dog    5l    fly o kite          14                             procliced           54
             bus                 7l    food          60, 69,77  m                         procliced  the piono  5l
                                       fox                 t0   mode o poster       56    present{s)
             c                         Fridoy               7   mogicion            34    pretzels         25,7  5
             coke                t6                             moke  o poster      56                        18
             colligrophy closs   22                             Morch               28    r
             comping             7l    glue                60   morshmollow chicks  73    robbit              16
             con {noun)          t0    go to the pork      57   molh closs          20    roiny         30,32,77
             condles             75    grondfother         36   Moy              28,32    reoding             66
             condy               t0    grondmother         36   milkshoke           7 5   reod books  {post)  57
             cor                 71    gropes              t9   Mondoy               6    reod books  (present)  57
             cot              10, 58   green               66   moon                60    red                 t6
             choir               22    gum                 t0   mothe.r          36,38    restouront          62
             cheese        ]8, 22,2s   gymnostics          12   museum              63    rocket(s)        10,64

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