Page 81 - Full SuperKids 3 Student Book
P. 81

run                  t0   these               38    Numbers
            running              t3   they                60    20, twenty          27
                                      thirsty          38,42    21, iwenty-one      27
            sod               10,42   ihirteen            38    22, iwenty-two      27
            solod             19, 38  this                JO    23, twentyJhree     27
            sondols             52    lhree            38,47    24,lwentyJour       27
                                      threw               60    25,lwenty-flve      27
            song o newsong  56
            Soturdoy              7   Thursdoy             7    26. lwenly-six      27
            sow o movie         56    tiger            44,77    27, twenty-seven    27
            see o movie         56    to my grondporents'form  7l  28, twenty-eight  27
            September           29    to Poris            7l    29, twenly-nine     27
            seven               38    to lhe beoch        71    30, thirty          27
            she                 22    towel               40    40, forty           27
            shirt            22,25    toy cors            64    50, frfty           27
            shoe(s)          22,52    toy lomb            73    60, sixty           27
            shoot               22    toy store           62    70, seventy         27
            shoulders           22    troin               71    80, eighty          27
            sick          38, 42, 47  trosh con           22    90, ninety          27
            sing o new song     56    Tuesdoy           6,60       o hundred        27
            sister              38    turtle              58    Ordinol Numbers
            sit                  16   u
            sit down             38                             lsl, firsl          49
            skole {verb)         14   umbrello            l0    2nd, second         49
                                      under               l0    3rd, third          49
            skoteboord {verb)  14     up                  l0
             skotes (noun)       52                             4th, fourth         49
             sleepy       42,66,77    v                         5th, fifrh          49
             snoke            16,58   Volenline's  Doy    49    6ih, sixlh          49
             sneokers            66   von                 t0    7th, seventh        49
             snowy               30   vose                l6    Bth, eighth         49
             soccer              12   vet                 34    9th, ninth          49
                                                                l0th, tenth         49
             soccer proctice  20      violln              t6    lllh, eleventh      49
             sock(s)          10, 52  volleyboll          12
             soft drink          74                             l2th. twelflh       49
             spoghetti           19   w                         l3th, thirteenth  49
             spell               16   woll             32,47    l4th, fourteenth    49
                                                                l5th, fifteenth
             studied Engllsh  50      worm                30    l6th, sixteenth     49
             study English       50   wosh the cor        5t
             sun                 l0   woshed the cor      5t    l7th, seventeenth  49
             Sundoy         6,32,47   wotch               54    181h, eighteenth
             sunny               30   wotch DVDs          50    l9th, nineteenth  49
                                      wotched          54,69    201h, twentieth     49
             supermorket  63                                    21st, twenty-first  49
             swom in the pool    56   wotched DVDs        50
             swim                14   woter            44,47    22nd, twenty-second  49
             swim in the pool    56   woter bottle        40    23rd, twenty{hird 49
             swimming            13   wotermelon       18,44    241h, twentyJourth  49
             swimming closs      20   Wednesdoy            6    251h, twentyJifth 49
                                                                26th, twenty-sixth  49
             t                        wenl to the pork    54    27lh,twenty-sevenlh  49
             toble               44   windy               30    28th,lwenly-eighlh  49
             tope             32,77   write stories       57    29th, lwenty-ninth 49
             ieocher          34,66   wrote stories       57    3Oth, lhirtieth     49
             teelh            38,77                             31sl, thlrty-first  49
             ten                 t6   v
             tennls              t3   yellow              t6
             thot                3B   yo-yos              64
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