Page 45 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 45

r v # l Workbook
                                                                                                                      Gram m ar
                                                                                                         “ i           pages 114-115

          G ram m ar in  Use

          o      Listen and sing along. Music Day!  ©  2*42

                In  the  morning  when                 On  M onday  he  goes  to              He  doesn’t  listen

                Gus  gets  ready  for                  school  with  friends.                 to  loud  music

                school,                                                                       at  night.
                                                       In  music  class,  he  plays
                He  likes  fast  music  ...            instruments.                           He  listens  to  music

                it’s  so  cool!                                                               that’s  soft  and  light,
                                                       The  high  flute  notes

                                                                                              Like  the  violin,  when
                He  likes  guitars  and                sound  like  birds  in  a              he  rests  his  head,  ^  ^  ^
                drums  the  best,                      tree,

                W hile  he  brushes  his               The  low  trombone,  like              Closes  his  eyes
                teeth  and  gets  dressed!             whales  in  the  sea!                  and  goes  to  bed.

                   L e a rn   G ram m ar                   Prepositions of Time

                     Pedro listens to slow music at night.

                     When does Amanda listen to slow music?

                     She listens in the morning.

                 Choose one of the girls. Your partner asks questions to guess.

                                                                                                                       Does  she go
                                                                                                                     to  her trum pet
                                                                                                                       lesson  in the
                         Morning: practice                              Morning: practice
                                the piano                                      the piano

                         Afternoon: lunch                           Afternoon: lunch with
                                                                                                                    Yes,  she does.
                            with Grandma                                   Mom and Dad

                   Evening: trumpet lesson                          Evening: dance lesson                               It ’s  Sandy.

                 Ask your partner about Saturdays.                                       w hat do you do in the  morning'

                                                              Grammar: Prepositions of Time with in, on, and at            Unit 13  1 3 3
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