Page 49 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 49


          B efo re You  Read

         Think  Does your school have concerts? What's your
                        favorite musical instrument?

                                                                                                                       This story is
                                                                                                                       realistic fiction.

                                                                                                                       Realistic fiction is
                     All stories have characters. Characters are the people,
                                                                                                                       a story that isn't
                     animals, or things that are in the story. There are main
                                                                                                                       true, but it could
                     characters and secondary characters.                                                              happen.

                     Main characters are the most important characters.

                     The story is about them.

                     Secondary characters aren't as important as the

                     main characters.

                     Laura and her baby sister, Clara, are listening to
                                                                                                                       Beth Cody Kimmel is a
                     some soft and slow music. Laura loves the low                                                     children's book writer.

                     notes. She feels calm. Clara falls asleep.                                                        She lives in New York.

                     Main character: Laura  Secondary character: Clara

                 Read the story. Write the names of the characters.

                    Sam m y  plays the trum pet but he
                    doesn't like to  practice.  He  plays

                    a  piece of m usic for his teacher,

                    Mr.  Green. The  m usic  is  loud  and

                    awful.  His teacher is  unhappy.
                    Sam m y  practices every  day  now.

                 1  Main character:

                 2  Secondary character:

                 The title of the story is "Olga's Flute." How do you

                 think Olga feels when she plays her instrument?

                                                                Reading: Characters  U n itm   1 3 7
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