Page 54 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 54


          W ords

          ©      Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. ©  3.05

                  ■       .      .        give a              make a               sign an           A      x  ,              do an
                 have lunch                                      .     .             A          .    talk to fans           .
                                         concert              mistake           autograph                                   interview
          o      Cross out the wrong answer.

                 1  The popstar uses a pen to do this.

                     a  ta lk  to   f a n s                        b  sig n   a n   a u to g ra p h

                 2  Mia and Bea do this at 12:00 every day.

                     a  h ave  lunch                               b  give  a  c o n c e rt

                 3  I don't like it when I do this. It makes me angry.

                     a  m ake  a   m istak e                       b  h ave  lunch

                 4  The teacher wants her class to do this with instruments.

                     a  do  an   in terview                        b  give  a  c o n c e rt

          Listen in g

         T h in k   Are there concerts in your town?
         d  s->r/
        o O
          O   Listen. What does Cameron do? ©  3.06

          Q   Listen again and number the activities in the order you hear them.

                 Circle the feeling. ©   3.07

                     □       gave a concert                     unhappy

                     □       did an interview                       tire d

                     □       signed autographs                     proud

                     0 made a mistake                               calm

        142  Unit 14  Vocabulary: Verb Phrases • Listening: Details
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