Page 57 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 57

P ro ject:  M ake  a   M usic  M obile

          o      Make a music mobile.

                 •  Choose five things about music.

                 •  Write your feelings about them.

                 •  Draw or find  pictures.

          O   Hang your music mobile in

                 the room. Tell the class about
                                                                                                         /  uu.  ftJh.
                 one of the pictures on your                                                            ffay  /ruUt 'rU.

                 mobile.                                                                                ■/at

                                                                                                                                    I /

                                            I like  parades.
                                         The  m usic m akes

                                           me feel  excited.

          O   Walk around the room.

                                                                                   Ben  likes trum pet m usic,  but I don’t.
                 Find one mobile that's
                                                                                   He feels  excited,  but I feel  nervous.
                 the same as yours and
                                                                                         C a rrie  and  I like flute  m usic
                 one that's different.                                                 because it m akes  us feel  calm .

                                                                                                                    What  did  you
                                                                 Q   Watch the video.  | 3                            learn  about
                                                                                                                       how  music

                                                                                                                    makes  us feel?
                                                                 o      Think more about

                      BIG Q U ESTIO N   Q                                the Big Question.

                     How does

                                                                 ©   Complete the
                  music make                                             Big Question

                        us feel?                                         Chart.

                                                                                        Project: Music Mobile  •  Big Question 7  1 4 5
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